The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSThe Microsoft Windows version 3.1 Setup program fails while upgrading from an earlier version of Windows, and one of the following messages may be displayed:
-or- where <driver.drv> is the name of the system driver identified in the "SYSTEM.DRV=" line of the SYSTEM.INI file. CAUSE
An invalid or missing (blank) driver setting in the [boot] section of the
SYSTEM.INI file can cause the Setup program to fail during an upgrade.
WORKAROUNDThe specific driver mentioned in the error message will vary. To troubleshoot this problem, install Windows, selecting EGA for the video graphics adapter. If the installation succeeds, then you have a problem with your video card. Successfully UpgradingThe following are steps to successfully upgrade an earlier version of Microsoft Windows if the above errors are encountered:
MORE INFORMATIONIn addition to the above error messages, the following information is recorded in the BOOTLOG.TXT file in the Windows directory:
If the SYSTEM.DRV setting is blank, the following information is recorded
NOTE: The BOOTLOG.TXT file that records errors during setup is located in
the failed WINDOWS directory. This file can be viewed with a text editor
(such as the MS-DOS 5.0 Editor) or a word processor.
Besides SYSTEM.DRV, the following invalid or blank settings may also cause an error during setup:
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Last Reviewed: September 23, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |