The information in this article applies to:
TBMI2.COM is a memory resident utility provided by Novell for distribution
on the Microsoft Windows operating system version 3.1 distribution disks.
The Task Buffer Management Interface (TBMI) is a file meant to be used in
standard mode Windows when the NetWare IPX and SPX functions are loaded.
The purpose of the file is to prevent a task switch in Windows from
breaking the communication between IPX and the various software processes
associated with a particular application.
MORE INFORMATIONThe NETWORKS.WRI file states the following: TBMI2 enables you to safely run applications that use IPX and SPX functions in standard mode Windows or the MS-DOS 5.0 task switcher.NETWORKS.WRI also explains that Novell suggests loading the file at bootup time with a batch file. NETWORK.WRI offers no further clarification of the functionality of TBMI2.COM. REFERENCESNETWORKS.WRI, Microsoft Windows, version 3.1, disk #3 Additional query words: task-switcher 3rdparty Netware patch task swap 3.10 3.11
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Last Reviewed: November 3, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |