SMARTDrive Drive Letter Parameters Should Not Contain a Colon

ID: Q85580

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows versions 3.1, 3.11


The drive letter command line parameters for SMARTDRV.EXE version 4.0 should not contain a colon (:) after the drive letter. If there is a colon after the drive letter on the command line for SMARTDrive, no caching changes will take effect on the specified drive.


SMARTDRV.EXE version 4.0, which is shipped with Windows version 3.1, allows the use of command line parameters to control the caching of individual drives.

By entering the drive letter on the command line after SMARTDRV.EXE, followed optionally by a plus sign (+) or minus sign (-), the caching status of the drive can be modified. However, if the drive letter is followed by a colon (:), SMARTDRV.EXE will make no caching changes.

A colon is considered an invalid switch, and SMARTDRV.EXE will display the Help menu instead of caching information.

The following is an example of the correct syntax for changing the caching status of a drive:

smartdrv c d- e+
This command enables read-only caching for drive C, no caching for drive D, and read and write caching for drive E.

Additional query words: 3.10 3.1 3.11 enable disable

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.1,3.11
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 22, 1999
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