Dimmed or Missing Options Under Program Manager

ID: Q85891

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows versions 3.1, 3.11


If you are running Microsoft Windows version 3.1 and the File menu is missing, or an option normally available under a Program Manager menu is unavailable (dimmed) or missing, then either the PROGMAN.INI file or selected group files (.GRP) have been modified.

For more information on modifying the PROGMAN.INI file, refer to pages 219- 221 in the "Microsoft Windows Resource Kit" manual for version 3.1.

The following is a list of disabled options and the procedure used to disable them. These changes are normally made by the system administrator of the network to have more control of the Windows environment.


Option Missing                  Procedure
--------------                  ---------

File menu                       PROGMAN.INI's [restrictions]
                                contains NOFILEMENU=1

Option Dimmed or Unavailable    Procedure
----------------------------    ---------

Run (from the File menu)        PROGMAN.INI's [restrictions]
                                contains NORUN=1

Exit Windows (from the File     PROGMAN.INI's [restrictions]
menu)                           contains NOCLOSE=1

Close (from Program Manager's
Control menu)

Save Settings on Exit           PROGMAN.INI's [restrictions]
(from the Options menu)         contains NOSAVESETTINGS=1

                                Note: This also disables the
                                ability to double-click the
                                Program Manager's Control menu
                                while holding down the SHIFT key
                                to save settings.

Move and Delete (from the      The group file (.GRP) is read
File menu) only                only
on some groups

Move and Copy (from the File    Normal operation
menu) when a group icon is

New, Move, Copy, and Delete      PROGMAN.INI's [restrictions]
(from the File menu) when        contains EDITLEVEL=1 (or higher)
a group icon is selected

New, Move, Copy and Delete      PROGMAN.INI's [restrictions]
(from the File menu) when       contains EDITLEVEL=2 (or higher)
a group or program icon
is selected

Command Line and Browse         PROGMAN.INI's [restrictions]
button (from the File           contains EDITLEVEL=3 (or higher)
menu's Properties)

All options under Properties,    PROGMAN.INI's [restrictions]
and OK, Browse, and Change       contains EDITLEVEL=4
Change Icon buttons (from
the File menu)

NOTE: Even though all options mentioned above are unavailable, you can
still add program items by holding the SHIFT key and double-clicking a
blank area in a group window. Microsoft has confirmed this to be a
problem in Microsoft Windows version 3.1.

All options under Properties,    The group file (.GRP) is read
and OK, Browse, and Change       only
Icon buttons for only some
groups (from the File menu) 

KBCategory: kbusage kbenv kbprb
KBSubcategory: win31

Additional query words: 3.10 3.1 grey gray grayed greyed wrk 3.11

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.1,3.11
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 22, 1999
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