Modifying WIN.SRC to Customize Windows Network Setup
ID: Q89497
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows versions 3.0, 3.0a, 3.1, 3.11
In Microsoft Windows, you can use a text editor such as Notepad to
edit the WIN.SRC file and define custom settings for the Windows
environment for multiple workstations.
When Windows is set up on a network workstation with the SETUP /N
command, a WIN.INI file is built with default settings. When SETUP.EXE
is run, it uses WIN.SRC as the source file for building the WIN.INI
file. This file contains information that defines your Windows
environment and is used by both Windows and Windows-based
The following are examples of methods you can use to customize the
WIN.SRC file when setting up Windows on a network.
NOTE: The read-only attribute must be cleared before modifying the
file. This can be done by using Windows File Manager, or with MS-DOS
by using the ATTRIB command. When you are done modifying the WIN.SRC
file, reset the read-only attribute.
Loading an Application Automatically
To have all workstations load a Windows-based application
automatically during startup, do the following:
- Open WIN.SRC in Notepad.
- In the [windows] section of the WIN.SRC file, find the "load="
- Add the filename of the program to be executed. For example, to
have all installations of Windows load the Clock application, add
CLOCK.EXE to the "load=" line:
- Save WIN.SRC.
Loading Wallpaper Automatically
To have all workstations use a standard wallpaper on startup, do the
- Open WIN.SRC in Notepad.
- In the [Desktop] section, find the Wallpaper=(None) line.
- Replace "(None)" with the bitmap filename you would like as the
desktop background. For example, to have the Paper bitmap display
automatically during startup, replace "(None)" with "PAPER.BMP":
Note: You will want to have the bitmap file in the shared Windows
- Save WIN.SRC.
Associating a File Extension with an Application
To have all workstations associate a file extension with a particular
application, do the following:
- Open WIN.SRC in Notepad.
- Find the [Extensions] section of the WIN.SRC file.
- Add the following line
where "extension" is the filename extension of one to three
characters and "command-line" is the application filename followed
by a caret (^) and the document extension. For example, to associate
calendar files with the calendar program, add the following line:
cal=calendar.exe ^.cal
- Save WIN.SRC.
Changing the Color Scheme for All Workstations
To have all workstations come up in a color scheme other than the
Windows default color scheme, do the following:
- On an existing installation of Windows, select the desired
color scheme.
- From this installation, use Notepad to view the WIN.INI file, and
find the [colors] section.
- Select the entire section, then choose Copy from the Edit menu in
Notepad to copy this text to the Windows Clipboard.
- In Notepad, open WIN.SRC from the shared Windows directory.
- From the Edit menu, choose Paste and paste the [colors] section to
the end of the WIN.SRC file.
Opening CONTROL.SRC (Windows 3.1) or CONTROL.INI (Windows 3.0) and editing
the file before network setup does not affect Windows colors. It will
affect the list of colors in the Control Panel Colors application.
Under Windows 3.1, there is also the automated setup command, SETUP /H,
which allows you to customize the setup of workstations automatically. For
more information on this topic, see pages 75-82 of the "Microsoft Windows
Resource Kit" (WRK) guide for Windows version 3.1.
"Microsoft Windows User's Guide," version 3.0, pages 543-556
"Getting Started with Microsoft Windows," version 3.1, pages 6-9
KBCategory: kbnetwork kbdisplay kbtool kbenv kbusage
KBSubcategory: win30 win31
Additional query words:
3.00 3.00a 3.10 3.11
Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.0,3.0a,3.1,3.11
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :