WINDOWS kbusage kberrmsg The information in this article applies to:
This article explains the process Windows follows to find or re-create
an existing permanent swap file if a swap file problem is detected.
After you type win at the MS-DOS prompt,
Windows reads the SYSTEM.INI file for various startup information,
including the size, type and whereabouts of the swap file. If Windows finds
a reference to a swap file, it looks for it (386SPART.PAR) on the hard
This error message asks if you would like to delete the corrupted swap file. If you choose No, Windows does not attempt to correct the bad permanent swap file, and starts normally. Until you choose Yes, every time you start Windows, you will receive this error message. If you choose Yes, the next time you start Windows, CPWIN386.CPL (the 386 Enhanced portion of Control Panel) is used to create a new swap file. If the permanent swap file is created successfully, no further problems occur and all the settings in your Windows configuration should be the same as they were before you had swap file problems. If Windows cannot find CPWIN386.CPL or if there is a problem with the file, the following error message is displayed: If you receive this error message, make sure the file, CPWIN386.CPL, is in your SYSTEM subdirectory. If CPWIN386.CPL loads successfully but fails to create a permanent swap file, the following error message is displayed: This error message could be caused by insufficient disk space or other problems that normally prevent permanent swap file creation. For more information about creating a permanent swap file, query on the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: permanent and swap and kbtshoot Additional query words: tshoot 3.00 3.00a 3.10 3.11 unsuccessful change swap file err msg
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