Problems Running Windows 95 with NOAUTO in the CONFIG.SYS

ID: Q116253

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 98
  • Microsoft Windows 95


When you try to load Windows, one of the following problems may occur:

  • Windows stops responding (hangs) at the logo screen.

  • Windows reports the following error message
    Missing <device name> Make sure that the file is in your Windows directory and that its location is correctly specified in your CONFIG.SYS file.
    where <device name> is a device such as HIMEM.SYS.


These problems can occur if you have added the NOAUTO parameter to the "DOS=" statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. For example:


This parameter can also cause your computer to hang at the first Setup reboot because IFSHLP.SYS is not loaded.


  • Remove the NOAUTO parameter from the DOS= statement in the CONFIG.SYS file.


  • Insert the required DEVICE= statements in the CONFIG.SYS file so that the necessary devices are loaded during startup.


The NOAUTO parameter prevents Windows from loading devices such as HIMEM.SYS and IFSHLP.SYS automatically while booting. If you use this parameter, you must specify the devices that need to be loaded by adding them to the CONFIG.SYS file.

Additional query words: errors halts locks automatic boot-up

Keywords : diskmem win95 winboot winmem win98 wpp95
Version : 95
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: January 13, 1999
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