Thomas Conrad TC6245 ArcNet ISA Adapter Requires EMM Exclusion

ID: Q132386

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 95
  • Microsoft Windows 98


When you start Windows, your computer may no longer appear on the network.


This behavior can occur if your computer contains a Thomas Conrad TC6245 ArcNet ISA network adapter This network adapter requires a memory exclusion to prevent other devices from using its address space.


To resolve this behavior, use either of the following methods to exclude the address space used by the Thomas Conrad network adapter:

  • Use any text editor (such as Notepad) to add the following line to the [386Enh] section of the System.ini file:

  • If you are loading Emm386.exe in the Config.sys file, use any text editor (such as Notepad) to add the following exclusion to the end of the line that loads Emm386.exe:
    For example, the line in your Config.sys file may be similar to the following line:
          DEVICE=C:\Windows\Emm386.exe noems X=DC00-DFFF

After you make the change specified in either method, shut down and then restart your computer.

NOTE: You may have to use different values for the exclusion. Make sure to exclude the actual range the card is configured to use.

Keywords : kbhw kbnetwork win95 winmem win98 wpp95
Version : 95
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: January 20, 1999
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