How to Install and Use the Password List Editor Tool
ID: Q147833
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows 95
Microsoft Windows 98
If password caching is enabled, Windows caches passwords in the pass-
word list file when you connect to a password-protected network resource.
You can use Password List Editor (Pwledit.exe) to view the resources
listed in a user's password list (.pwl) file. You cannot view the actual
passwords, but you can remove specific password entries if you encounter
problems using a cached password.
Password List Editor works only if the password list file is unlocked
(that is, the user must be logged on). You can view only the contents of
the logged-on user's password list file, so you should run Password List
Editor on the user's computer.
To install Password List Editor, follow these steps:
- In Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs.
- On the Windows Setup tab, click Have Disk.
- In the Copy Manufacturer's Files From box, type the appropriate
line, and then click OK:
Windows 98:
<cd-rom drive>:\tools\reskit\netadmin\pwledit
where <cd-rom drive> is the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive containing
the Windows 98 CD-ROM.
Windows 95:
<cd-rom drive>:\admin\apptools\pwledit
where <cd-rom drive> is the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive
containing the Windows 95 CD-ROM.
NOTE: If you have the floppy disk version of Windows 95, you can
obtain Password List Editor from online services. For information
about obtaining Password List Editor from an online service, please
see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : CD-ROM Extras for Microsoft Windows 95 Upgrade
- Click Password List Editor, and then click Install.
To run Password List Editor after you install it, click the Start button,
point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then
click Password List Editor.
Additional query words:
pwedit pwledit.inf
Keywords : kbnetwork kbtool win95 win98
Version : WINDOWS:95,98
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto