Availability of the Windows 98 Year 2000 Update

ID: Q167075

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 98


Microsoft has released the Windows 98 Year 2000 Update.


The Windows 98 Year 2000 Update provides Windows 98 replacement files to correct known year 2000 and date rollover issues with the Windows 98 operating system. The update is installed by selecting it from the Windows Update Web site or by obtaining and running the self-extracting and installing Y2kw98.exe program on CD-ROM.

The following areas of Windows 98 are updated when you install the Windows 98 Year 2000 Update:

  • Date/Time Picker

  • Microsoft Wallet applet

  • Phone Dialer applet

  • Time and Date applet

  • Document Properties

  • Boot Strap (Io.sys)

  • DHCP Virtual Driver

  • Microsoft Data Access

  • Microsoft Virtual Machine

  • Microsoft Foundation Class Library

  • DOS Xcopy

For detailed information about the issues addressed in this update and the installation options, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : Microsoft Windows 98 Year 2000 Update Readme File Contents

The Windows 98 Year 2000 Update is available from the Windows Update Web site:

It appears in the Critical Updates section and users of the Windows Critical Update Notification utility will be prompted to install this package.

If you need to update a computer without Internet connectivity, you can order the Windows 98 Year 2000 Update on CD-ROM by calling 1-800-363-2896, or from the following Microsoft Web site:

The CD-ROM is supplied at no charge.

Current information about the Year 2000 compliance of Microsoft products may be obtained by calling 1-888-MSFT-Y2K, or from the following Microsoft Web site:

NOTE: This is a source of information only, you can not place orders for this CD-ROM from this number.

Additional query words: 98

Keywords : kbenv kbpatch kbui kb2000 win98
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: June 16, 1999
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