Contents of the Windows 98 Startup Disk

ID: Q185645

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 98


This article lists the files that are on the Windows 98 Startup Disk, the contents of the file, and the contents of the Ramdrive created by the Windows 98 Startup disk.


Contents of the Windows 98 Startup Disk

ASPI2DOS SYS        35,330  05-11-98  8:01p
ASPI4DOS SYS        14,386  05-11-98  8:01p
ASPI8DOS SYS        37,564  05-11-98  8:01p
ASPI8U2  SYS        40,792  05-11-98  8:01p
ASPICD   SYS        29,620  05-11-98  8:01p
AUTOEXEC BAT         1,103  05-11-98  8:01p
BTCDROM  SYS        21,971  05-11-98  8:01p
BTDOSM   SYS        30,955  05-11-98  8:01p
COMMAND  COM        93,880  05-11-98  8:01p
CONFIG   SYS           629  05-11-98  8:01p
DRVSPACE BIN        68,871  05-11-98  8:01p
EBD      CAB       272,206  05-11-98  8:01p
EBD      SYS             0  <date>    <time>
EXTRACT  EXE        93,242  05-11-98  8:01p
FDISK    EXE        63,900  05-11-98  8:01p
FINDRAMD EXE         6,855  05-11-98  8:01p
FLASHPT  SYS        64,425  05-11-98  8:01p
HIMEM    SYS        33,191  05-11-98  8:01p
IO       SYS       222,390  05-11-98  8:01p
MSDOS    SYS             9  <date>    <time>
OAKCDROM SYS        41,302  05-11-98  8:01p
RAMDRIVE SYS        12,663  05-11-98  8:01p
README   TXT        15,608  05-11-98  8:01p
SETRAMD  BAT         1,416  05-11-98  8:01p 

NOTE: <date> and <time> indicates the date and time the Windows 98 Startup disk is created.

Contents of the File

ATTRIB   EXE        15,252  05-06-98  8:01p
CHKDSK   EXE        28,096  05-06-98  8:01p
DEBUG    EXE        20,554  05-06-98  8:01p
EDIT     COM        69,902  05-06-98  8:01p
EXT      EXE        13,299  05-06-98  8:01p
FORMAT   COM        49,575  05-06-98  8:01p
HELP     BAT            36  05-06-98  8:01p
MSCDEX   EXE        25,473  05-06-98  8:01p
RESTART  COM            20  05-06-98  8:01p
SCANDISK EXE       143,818  05-06-98  8:01p
SCANDISK INI         7,329  05-06-98  8:01p
SYS      COM        18,967  05-06-98  8:01p 

Contents of the Windows 98 Startup Disk Ramdrive

ATTRIB   EXE        15,252  05-06-98  8:01p
CHKDSK   EXE        28,096  05-06-98  8:01p
COMMAND  COM        93,880  05-11-98  8:01p
DEBUG    EXE        20,554  05-06-98  8:01p
EDIT     COM        69,902  05-06-98  8:01p
EXT      EXE        13,299  05-06-98  8:01p
EXTRACT  EXE        93,242  05-11-98  8:01p
FORMAT   COM        49,575  05-06-98  8:01p
HELP     BAT            36  05-06-98  8:01p
MSCDEX   EXE        25,473  05-06-98  8:01p
README   TXT        15,608  05-11-98  8:01p
RESTART  COM            20  05-06-98  8:01p
SCANDISK EXE       143,818  05-06-98  8:01p
SCANDISK INI         7,329  05-06-98  8:01p
SYS      COM        18,967  05-06-98  8:01p 

Additional query words: 98

Keywords : kbfile win98
Version : WINDOWS:98
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: February 3, 1999
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