Cannot View Schedlog.txt File Using Task Scheduler

ID: Q187239

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 98


When you attempt to view the Schedlog.txt file by clicking View Log on the Advanced menu in Task Scheduler, the Schedlog.txt file may not open, and you may receive an error message similar to the following error message:

The document C:\Windows\SchedLog.txt is in use by another application and cannot be accessed.


This behavior can occur if text (.txt) files are associated with a program other than Notepad.


To work around this behavior, use either of the following methods:

Method 1

Temporarily disable Task Scheduler, and then attempt to view the Schedlog.txt file again. To temporarily disable Task Scheduler, click Stop Using Task Scheduler on the Advanced menu. When you are finished viewing the Schedlog.txt file, click Start Using Task Scheduler on the Advanced menu.

NOTE: You cannot work around this behavior by clicking Pause Task Scheduler on the Advanced menu.

Method 2

Associate .txt files with Notepad. To do so, follow these steps:
  1. In My Computer or Windows Explorer, click Folder Options on the View menu.

  2. Click the File Types tab.

  3. In the Registered File Types box, click Text Document, and then click Edit.

  4. Click Edit, and then type the following path in the Application Used To Perform Action box
    where <drive> is the drive on which Windows is installed and <windows> is the folder in which Windows is installed.

  5. Click OK, click Close, and then click Close again.


When Task Scheduler is running, it constantly updates the Schedlog.txt file. Unlike Notepad, some text editors (such as WordPad) cannot open documents that are currently in use by another program.

The error message you receive depends on the text editor associated with .txt files.

Additional query words: scheduled tasks

Keywords : kberrmsg kbtool win98
Version : WINDOWS:98
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: February 4, 1999
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