Automating Windows 98 Installation with Novell Client32 Support

ID: Q188187

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 98

Microsoft does not encourage or support changes to .inf files; therefore, Microsoft Technical Support does not support the procedure in this article. Although we have tested the following procedure and it appears to function as described, make a backup copy of your .inf file before you proceed.



To create a custom installation of Windows 98 that includes support for Novell's Client32 client, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain Client32 for Windows 95/98 from either Novell's Web site or the Novell intraNetWare CD-ROM. These steps assume that you have the CD-ROM.

  2. Create a network share that will be used to install Windows 98. Give everyone but yourself read-only rights to this share.

  3. Copy the entire Win98 folder from the Windows 98 CD-ROM to the share you created in step 2.

  4. Obtain the INF Installer tool (Infinst.exe) from the Windows 98 Resource Kit. (A sample Resource Kit including this tool is located on the Windows 98 CD-ROM in the Tools\Reskit\Infinst folder.)

  5. Using INF Installer, add Nwclient.inf and Nwtrans.inf from the Novell intraNetWare client to the network share. INF Installer may prompt you to add other .inf files from the intraNetWare client. These other files may be necessary for your network.

  6. Optionally, take this opportunity to use INF Installer to add driver support for hardware devices not directly supported by Windows 98.

  7. Obtain the Batch 98 tool from the Windows 98 Resource Kit. You can use this tool to create Msbatch.inf files to automate Windows installation. (A sample Resource Kit including this tool is located on the Windows 98 CD-ROM in the Tools\Reskit\Batch folder.)

  8. Using Batch 98, create a Windows 98 configuration for your client computers. In the Network Options, on the Protocols tab, add the IPX/SPX-compatible protocol (you can add other protocols if they are used by your network.) On the Additional Clients tab, add the NovellIPX32 protocol (and the NWIP protocol for NetWare IP) and the Novell32 network client.

  9. Save your Msbatch.inf file to the Windows 98 network share.

  10. Copy the [Novell32] section from the Msbatch.inf file on the Novell intraNetWare CD-ROM to the Msbatch.inf file you created in the Windows 98 network share.

  11. Client computers should connect to the Windows 98 network share and run Setup.exe.

The third-party product discussed in this article is manufactured by a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability.


This article describes how to create an automated custom installation of Windows 98 that includes support for the Novell intraNetWare Client for Windows 95/98 (Client32) using a custom Msbatch.inf file. This information is current for version 2.2 of Client32.

Microsoft recommends that you read the relevant sections of the Windows 98 Resource Kit for additional information about create a custom Setup before using the information in this article.

Keywords : kbsetup winbatch win98
Version : WINDOWS:98
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: February 9, 1999
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