Windows 98 DMF Floppy Disk Directory Listing (6 of 6)

ID: Q191059

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 98


This article lists the directory contents of the following Windows 98 distribution media format (DMF) 3.5-inch floppy disks 35-38, and the contents of the cabinet files on the disks.


Disk 35

Win98_40 cab     1,716,224  05-05-98  2:39a 

Contents of the File

Lcourbd.ttf    Starts in cabinet on disk 34
Lcourbi.ttf        186,412  05-01-98  8:01p
Lcouri.ttf         195,104  05-01-98  8:01p
Ltimes.ttf         197,196  05-01-98  8:01p
Ltimesbd.ttf       190,492  05-01-98  8:01p
Ltimesbi.ttf       178,680  05-01-98  8:01p
Ltimesi.ttf        189,008  05-01-98  8:01p
Lucon.ttf          107,820  05-01-98  8:01p
Marlett.ttf         17,412  05-01-98  8:01p
Symbol.ttf          66,028  05-01-98  8:01p
Tahoma.ttf         198,864  05-01-98  8:01p
Tahomabd.ttf       195,956  05-01-98  8:01p
Times.ttf           92,508  05-01-98  8:01p
Timesbd.ttf         90,332  05-01-98  8:01p
Timesbi.ttf         83,696  05-01-98  8:01p
Timesi.ttf          86,520  05-01-98  8:01p
Verdana.ttf        109,724  05-01-98  8:01p
Verdanab.ttf       108,256  05-01-98  8:01p
Verdanai.ttf       123,824  05-01-98  8:01p
Verdanaz.ttf       124,712  05-01-98  8:01p
Webdings.ttf       113,536  05-01-98  8:01p
Wingding.ttf        81,328  05-01-98  8:01p
Config.txt          17,468  05-01-98  8:01p
Display.txt         20,045  05-01-98  8:01p
Faq.txt             12,285  05-01-98  8:01p
General.txt         39,907  05-01-98  8:01p
Hardware.txt        39,527  05-01-98  8:01p
Mouse.txt            5,735  05-01-98  8:01p
Msdosdrv.txt        45,488  05-01-98  8:01p
Msimn.txt           14,182  05-01-98  8:01p
Network.txt         34,382  05-01-98  8:01p
Printers.txt        24,555  05-01-98  8:01p
Programs.txt        47,714  05-01-98  8:01p
Sfcsync.txt          1,735  05-01-98  8:01p
Tips.txt            12,104  05-01-98  8:01p
Threed.vbx          64,432  05-01-98  8:01p
Phone.ver               21  05-01-98  8:01p
Apix.vxd            29,397  05-01-98  8:01p
Atapchng.vxd        11,311  05-01-98  8:01p
Biosxlat.vxd        18,074  05-01-98  8:01p
Cdfs.vxd            59,133  05-01-98  8:01p
Cdtsd.vxd           13,884  05-01-98  8:01p
Cdvsd.vxd           30,371  05-01-98  8:01p
Cmos.vxd             8,386  05-01-98  8:01p
Combuff.vxd         18,276  05-01-98  8:01p
Configmg.vxd       115,665  05-01-98  8:01p
Dinput.vxd          16,986  05-01-98  8:01p
Disktsd.vxd         18,805  05-01-98  8:01p
Diskvsd.vxd         10,194  05-01-98  8:01p
Dosmgr.vxd         106,871  05-01-98  8:01p
Dosnet.vxd          13,917  05-01-98  8:01p
Drvspacx.vxd        57,642  05-01-98  8:01p
Drvwcdb.vxd         75,165  05-01-98  8:01p
Drvwppqt.vxd       228,223  05-01-98  8:01p
Drvwq117.vxd        91,003  05-01-98  8:01p 

Disk 36

Win98_41 cab     1,716,224  05-05-98  2:39a 

Contents of the File

Drvwppqt.vxd   Starts in cabinet on disk 35
Drvwq117.vxd   Starts in cabinet on disk 35
Dsound.vxd          87,487  05-01-98  8:01p
Dynapage.vxd        27,085  05-01-98  8:01p
Ebios.vxd           17,994  05-01-98  8:01p
Enable.vxd          43,202  05-01-98  8:01p
Enable2.vxd         25,159  05-01-98  8:01p
Enable4.vxd         21,634  05-01-98  8:01p
Fiolog.vxd          10,720  05-01-98  8:01p
Ifsmgr.vxd         185,902  05-01-98  8:01p
Int13.vxd            9,935  05-01-98  8:01p
Ios.vxd             69,454  05-01-98  8:01p
Javasup.vxd          7,876  05-01-98  8:01p
Logger.vxd          12,444  05-01-98  8:01p
Lptenum.vxd         17,208  05-01-98  8:01p
Mmdevldr.vxd        13,940  05-01-98  8:01p
Mrci2.vxd           53,403  05-01-98  8:01p
Msgame.vxd          18,585  05-01-98  8:01p
Mtrr.vxd            12,817  05-01-98  8:01p
Necatapi.vxd         9,926  05-01-98  8:01p
Ntkern.vxd         194,494  05-01-98  8:01p
Pageswap.vxd        13,902  05-01-98  8:01p
Paralink.vxd        23,102  05-01-98  8:01p
Parity.vxd           9,806  05-01-98  8:01p
Perf.vxd            37,789  05-01-98  8:01p
Qemmfix.vxd          9,792  05-01-98  8:01p
Quartz.vxd           5,672  05-01-98  8:01p
Reboot.vxd          22,645  05-01-98  8:01p
Sage.vxd             9,802  05-01-98  8:01p
Scsi1hlp.vxd        19,270  05-01-98  8:01p
Serenum.vxd         20,064  05-01-98  8:01p
Serwave.vxd         14,177  05-01-98  8:01p
Shell.vxd           79,529  05-01-98  8:01p
Spap.vxd            22,745  05-01-98  8:01p
Splitter.vxd         2,593  05-01-98  8:01p
Spooler.vxd         31,297  05-01-98  8:01p
Sw3dpro.vxd         11,830  05-01-98  8:01p
Sw3dpro2.vxd        12,838  05-01-98  8:01p
Swgampad.vxd        11,832  05-01-98  8:01p
Torisan3.vxd        11,067  05-01-98  8:01p
Udf.vxd             41,591  05-01-98  8:01p
Unimodem.vxd        59,027  05-01-98  8:01p
V86mmgr.vxd         95,408  05-01-98  8:01p
Vcache.vxd          37,159  05-01-98  8:01p
Vcd.vxd             23,957  05-01-98  8:01p
Vcdfsd.vxd          22,413  05-01-98  8:01p
Vcomm.vxd           33,121  05-01-98  8:01p
Vcond.vxd           26,247  05-01-98  8:01p
Vdd.vxd            120,887  05-01-98  8:01p
Vdef.vxd             9,769  05-01-98  8:01p
Vdmad.vxd           41,852  05-01-98  8:01p
Vfat.vxd            77,969  05-01-98  8:01p
Vfbackup.vxd        20,774  05-01-98  8:01p
Vfd.vxd              5,859  05-01-98  8:01p
Vfixd.vxd            6,442  05-01-98  8:01p
Vflatd.vxd           7,830  05-01-98  8:01p
Vgateway.vxd        42,746  05-01-98  8:01p
Vkd.vxd             45,372  05-01-98  8:01p
Vmcpd.vxd           22,591  05-01-98  8:01p
Vmd.vxd              9,816  05-01-98  8:01p
Vmm32.vxd          475,084  05-01-98  8:01p
Vmouse.vxd          33,332  05-01-98  8:01p
Vmpoll.vxd          30,936  05-01-98  8:01p
Voltrack.vxd        18,491  05-01-98  8:01p
Vpd.vxd             22,619  05-01-98  8:01p
Vpicd.vxd           47,473  05-01-98  8:01p
Vsd.vxd              5,723  05-01-98  8:01p
Vshare.vxd          14,931  05-01-98  8:01p
Vtd.vxd             14,355  05-01-98  8:01p
Vtdapi.vxd          18,583  05-01-98  8:01p
Vwin32.vxd          60,641  05-01-98  8:01p
Vxdldr.vxd          39,277  05-01-98  8:01p
Logon.wav          693,212  05-01-98  8:01p
Sndrec.wav              58  05-01-98  8:01p
Welcom98.wav       668,440  05-01-98  8:01p 

Disk 37

Win98_42 cab     1,716,224  05-05-98  2:39a 

Contents of the File

Welcom98.wav   Starts in cabinet on disk 36
Quattro.wb2          4,017  05-01-98  8:01p
Default.wbm         42,694  05-01-98  8:01p
Icw.wbm             38,678  05-01-98  8:01p
Logo.wbm            67,718  05-01-98  8:01p
Ms.wbm               7,990  05-01-98  8:01p
Regwiz.wbm          40,726  05-01-98  8:01p
Tour.wbm            48,750  05-01-98  8:01p
Tuneup.wbm          47,158  05-01-98  8:01p
Win.wbm             22,246  05-01-98  8:01p
Lotus.wk4            2,448  05-01-98  8:01p
Spbanner.wmf         4,596  05-01-98  8:01p
Mswrd632.wpc       158,720  05-01-98  8:01p
Write32.wpc         63,488  05-01-98  8:01p
Wordpfct.wpd            30  05-01-98  8:01p
Wordpfct.wpg            57  05-01-98  8:01p
Excel.xls            5,632  05-01-98  8:01p
Excel4.xls           1,518  05-01-98  8:01p      5,567,189  05-01-98  8:01p 

Disk 38

Win98_43 cab       385,177  05-05-98  2:39a 

Contents of the File    Starts in cabinet on disk 37            323,645  05-01-98  8:01p         138,644  05-01-98  8:01p             10,957  05-01-98  8:01p       203,645  05-01-98  8:01p 

Additional query words: extract dirwin dirwin98 1.44

Keywords : kbdiskdir win98 dirwin
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: February 13, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.