SHIFT+TAB Does Not Work as Expected on Windows 98 Desktop

ID: Q191171

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 98


If you press SHIFT+TAB when there are no open windows on the desktop, Windows 98 may not reverse the normal TAB key order.


To work around this problem, press the TAB key until the appropriate item is active.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows 98.


In Microsoft Windows 95, if there are no open windows on the desktop, pressing the TAB key cycles through the Start button, the taskbar, and a desktop icon, in that order. Pressing SHIFT+TAB reverses the cycle, going from the Start button, to a desktop icon, to the taskbar.

In Windows 98, the TAB key works similarly to the way it works in Windows 95 (although the Quick Launch toolbar and the Channel bar may be added to the cycle). The SHIFT+TAB key combination, however, does not go from a desktop icon to the taskbar as in Windows 95. Instead, SHIFT+TAB goes from a desktop icon to the Start button.

Keywords : kbui win98
Version : WINDOWS:98
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: February 13, 1999
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