Error Message: Invalid Path, Not Directory, or Directory Not Empty

ID: Q245560

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 98


When you start your Windows 98-based computer, you may receive the following error message:

Invalid path, not directory, or directory not empty.


This behavior can occur if the Winstart.bat file calls the Tmpcpyis.bat file and the Tmpcpyis.bat file contains the following entry:

This entry may be added by the InstallShield version 3 program.


To resolve this issue, contact InstallShield to inquire about the availability of a fix for this issue.

To work around this issue, use either of the following methods:

Method 1

If the Winstart.bat file only contains a Tmpcpyis.bat entry, rename the Winstart.bat file to Winstart.old. To rename a file, right-click the file, click Rename, type a new file name, and then press ENTER.

Method 2

Edit the Tmpcpyis.bat file, type rem at the beginning of the "@C:\WINDOWS\tmpcpyis.bat" line, save the file, and then restart your computer.


If you are using a 16-bit version of InstallShield version 3, it creates three files: Winstart.bat, Tmpcpyis.bat, and Tmpdelis.bat. Winstart.bat is run whenever Windows is restarted. The only entry InstallShield version 3 adds to the Winstart.bat file is the entry to start Tmpcpyis.bat. Tmpcpyis.bat contains commands to update locked files. Updating a locked file requires two entries, the first to delete the locked file, and the second to rename the new file. If you are using a 32-bit version of InstallShield version 3, it does not write to a batch (.bat) file, instead, it writes to the registry. It adds values under the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\FileRenameOperations
. Values are added to this key for files that need to be renamed. Note that both versions may also write to the Wininit.ini file.

The third-party products discussed here are manufactured by vendors independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.

Additional query words:

Keywords : kb3rdparty kberrmsg win98
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: November 9, 1999
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