How to Protect the MS UAM on Individual Macintoshes

ID: Q102199

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server version 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0


If a Windows NT Advanced Server running Services for the Macintosh requires that the Macintosh computers use the Microsoft User Authentication Module (UAM), then the Microsoft UAM may need to be protected from user activity, such as throwing the MS UAM away.

See below for procedures that you can use to protect the MS UAM.


To protect the MS UAM, do at least one of the following two procedures. Note that both of these procedures are performed on the Macintosh workstation, because that is where the MS UAM resides.

Procedure 1

Make the AppleShare folder in the Macintosh's System Folder invisible. This keeps the Finder from displaying the folder, making it unlikely to be erased on accident. Hiding the folder requires using ResEdit or a similar utility.

Procedure 2

Lock the MS UAM file in the AppleShare folder. This helps to keep the file from being thrown away by presenting the user with a warning first. To lock the MS UAM:

  1. Go to the Finder and select the MS UAM file in the AppleShare Folder.

  2. From the File menu, choose Get Info.

  3. Select the Locked check box in the bottom of the Get Info window, and close the window.

The best protection for the MS UAM is to use both of the actions described above. This hides the MS UAM and makes it more difficult to throw away by accident.

NOTE: The actions in this article are designed to offer protection from casual users. More experienced users will still be able to remove the MS UAM if they want to.

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Additional query words: prodnt password

Keywords : kbinterop ntmac NTSrvWkst
Version : 3.1 4.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: January 13, 1999
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