Boot Partition Size Limit with Compaq SmartSCSI Controller
ID: Q111045
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows NT operating system version 3.1
Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server version 3.1
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 3.5
Microsoft Windows NT Server version 3.5
The boot partition on a Compaq computer with Compaq's SmartSCSI disk
controller is limited to 7.9 gigabytes (GB).
For information on size limits of the Windows NT boot partition, please see
the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : Boot Partition Created During Setup Limited to 4 Gigabytes
The Compaq Smart Controller allows you to create logical drives up to 14
GB. However, if you set the boot partition to anything larger than 7.9 GB,
Windows NT Setup fails immediately, and an error message appears stating
that the bootable partition is too large.
This error message appears because no miniport driver is loaded to
initialize the Compaq controller. Consequently, the drive geometry is
reported to the system through the BIOS. Therefore, the limitation is a
result of the 7.9 GB limit imposed by the SmartSCSI BIOS.
Compaq uses the SmartSCSI controllers on both Proliant and SystemPro
You can call Compaq technical support at (800) 652-6672.
The Compaq products included here are manufactured by a vendor independent
of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these
products' performance or reliability.
Additional query words:
prodnt gigabyte
Keywords : kb3rdparty kbsetup ntsetup ntboot
Version : 3.1 3.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :