Norton Desktop for Windows Running in Windows NT
ID: Q113395
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Window NT versions 3.1
Microsoft Window NT Advanced Server versions 3.1
This article helps you make the most of Norton Desktop for Windows (NDW)
when you run it under Windows NT. NDW was not designed as a Windows NT
application, so proceed with CAUTION if you decide to run it that way.
Symantec's Technical Support takes customer calls and questions (numbers
are below), but this article contains all the information they can provide
on NDW under Windows NT.
NDW is supported under Windows 3.x and Windows for Workgroups 3.x, but not
under other versions of Windows, including Windows NT.
You can run many NDW utilities as 16-bit applications under Windows NT,
but NDW cannot run as the Windows NT shell, because Windows NT cannot
substitute a 16-bit alternative shell for Program Manager.
Installation Guidelines
Note: You don't have to follow these instructions if you installed NDW
before you upgraded to Windows NT.
The installation program for NDW will not run in Windows NT. Here is how
to install NDW manually:
- Run the MS-DOS command prompt.
- Create a directory for NDW by typing: MD C:\NDW
- Copy contents of all NDW disks (including Fix-It) to the directory.
- Use a utility to extract the copied files.
- From the command prompt, type: COPY NDW.INI C:\WINDOWS
- Exit from the MS-DOS command prompt.
- Create a group in Program Manager called Norton Desktop Applications.
- Create icons in the Norton Desktop Applications group for:
Filename Program Item Name
-------- -----------------
NDW.EXE Norton Desktop
DESKEDIT.EXE Desktop editor
NVIEWER.EXE Norton Viewer
ICONEDIT.EXE Icon editor
DESKEDIT.EXE /b Script maker
FINCALC.EXE Financial calculator
SICALC.EXE Scientific calculator
TAPECALC.EXE Tape calculator
DAYPLAN.EXE Day planner
CFGNDW.EXE Control center
- In the NDW.INI file, change Int21hHook=1 to Int21hHook=0.
Program Information
If the main NDW program is launched after Windows NT is started (that is,
by running the NDW.EXE program), you can use some of NDW's shell features
such as its file management and Quick Access. Some operations do not
perform as originally designed, however, and some features are unavailable.
Unreliable/Unavailable features
- Tool Icons, Drive Icons, and NButtons do not appear on the Desktop.
- Launch list does not operate reliably.
- Accelerator and "Hot" keys do not operate reliably.
- You cannot reliably activate Quick Access by double-clicking the
right mouse button.
- Icons for items inside of Quick Access groups do not appear reliably,
but item titles are displayed and can be used to start programs.
- You cannot move icons inside of Quick Access groups.
- Drag and drop to 16-bit applications does not work reliably.
- Drag and drop to 32-bit applications does not work at all.
Some utilities included in NDW may work and some may not work due to
differences between the 16-bit and 32-bit hardware abstraction layer.
Utilities that Appear to Work
- Calculators
- Desktop editor
- Norton Viewer
- Scheduler
- Key finder
- Icon Editor (except for 32-bit EXE and DLL files)
- Superfind (works only with valid MS-DOS files/directories)
- Sysinfo (some information may be incorrect)
- Sleeper/screen saver (may not be reliable)
- Day planner
- ScriptMaker (some functions have not been fully tested)
- Control center
Utilities that Do Not Work
- Norton Backup for Windows
- Format disk
- Disk copy
- Smart erase
- UnErase for Windows
- Norton Desktop Un-Install
- Disk Doctor for Windows
- Norton AntiVirus for Windows
- Norton AntiVirus for MS-DOS
- Norton AntiVirus TSR (NAVTSR.EXE and NAVTSRW.EXE)
- NDD.EXE (from the Fix-It Disk #1)
- SPEEDISK.EXE (from the Fix-It Disk #1)
- UNERASE.EXE (from the Fix-It Disk #1)
- UNFORMAT.EXE (from the Fix-It Disk #1)
- File assist
- Compression
Norton Desktop for Windows is manufactured by Symantec Corporation,
a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or
otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.
Symantec Corporation Technical Support: (541) 465-8600.
Symantec Corporation BBS: (541) 484-6699 (2400bps)
(541) 484-6669 (9600bps)
Additional query words:
wfw wfwg prodnt ntas
Keywords : kb3rdparty nt16ap
Version : 2.2 3.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :