Setting Up for Remote Debugging
ID: Q121543
3.10 3.50 3.51
kbnetwork kbtshoot
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows NT operating system version 3.1
Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server version 3.1
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation versions 3.5, 3.51
Microsoft Windows NT Server versions 3.5, 3.51
This article outlines how to set up for remote debugging.
To set up to remotely debug another computer, do the following:
For example:
XCOPY <Source SP Symbols path> C:\WinNT\Debug\Symbols /s /e
- Determine what Hotfixes, if any, have been installed,
Prb18756, Bug18756
and copy the Hotfix Symbols tree to <localSymbols\<dir>\. For more
information on the Hotfix Symbols tree, contact Microsoft Product
Support Services (Enterprise Technical Support).
For example:
XCOPY \\CNSSUP1\Fixes\CSD006\Bug18756\i386\Symbols\*.* ...
... C:\WinNT\Debug\Symbols /s /e
- Determine if you are using the Microsoft or third-party MP Kernel. If it
is Microsoft's MP Kernel, then from <localSymbols>\EXE, copy
NTKRNLMP.DBG to NTOSKRNL.DBG. If it is a third-party MP Kernel, obtain a
copy of the symbols and copy it into your
- Determine if you are using the Microsoft Windows NT HAL or a third-party
HAL. If it is a Microsoft Windows NT HAL, but not the standard
ISA/EISA HAL, then from <localSymbols>\DLL, copy the appropriate
HAL*.DBG to HAL.DBG. If it is a third-party HAL, obtain a copy of
the symbols and copy it into your <localSymbols>\DLL\HAL.DBG.
- Connect the modem to the remote debug target computer using the port
from above and reboot the target computer.
- Go to the <localDebug> directory and run the following REMDBG.BAT file:
REM Modem String to Disable Flow Control and Compression
ECHO "UsRobotics Modem string = AT&H0&I0&K0&M0"
REM Environment Variables:
REM Specify which com port to use. (Default = com1)
set _NT_DEBUG_PORT=com1
REM Specify symbol image path. (Default = x: * NO trailing
backslash *)
set _NT_SYMBOL_PATH=%2\Symbols
REM Specify second symbol image path to be searched after the above.
REM Specify the baud rate used by debugging serial port.
(Default = 19200)
REM If specified, output will be APPENDed to this file.
REM If specified, output will be written to this file from offset 0.
remote /s "%1kd -m %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9" debug
REM Usage: *kd [-?] [-v] [-m] [-r] [-n] [-b] [-x] [[-l
SymbolFile] [KrnlName]
REM where:
REM -v Verbose mode
REM -? Display this help
REM -n No Lazy symbol loading
REM -m Use modem controls
REM -b Break into kernel
REM -c Resync on Connect
REM Control Keys:
REM . <Ctrl-C> Break into kernel
REM <Ctrl-B><Enter> Quit debugger
REM . <Ctrl-R><Enter> Resynchronize target and host
REM . <Ctrl-V><Enter> Toggle Verbose mode
REM . <Ctrl-D><Enter> Display debugger debugging information
through the following command:
[u:\winnt\debug] remdbg <kd> <localSymbols> <baseBuildpath> <addOptions>
^ ^ ^ ^
Kernel Debugger to use ---+ | | |
Example: i386 | MIPS | Alpha | | |
| | |
localSymbols without Symbols name -+ | |
Example: c:\winnt\debug | |
| |
baseBuild (UNC) without Symbols name ------------+ |
Example: <Symbols server>\528\i386 |
Additional Debug Options ---------------------------------------+
Example: -b (Break In on Connect) -c (Resync on Connect)
Contact Microsoft Product Support Services (Enterprise Technical Support)
for more information on the <Symbols server>.
remdbg i386 u:\winnt\debug <Symbols server>\528\i386 -b
"UsRobotics Modem string = AT&H0&I0&K0&M0"
*********** REMOTE ************
*********** SERVER ************
To Connect: Remote /C MARCM.PORT debug
Microsoft(R) Windows NT Kernel Debugger
Version 1.00
(C) 1991 Microsoft Corp.
Symbol search path is: u:\winnt\debug\Symbols;.;
KD: ntoskrnl.exe image based at 80100000
KD: Preloading kernel symbols from u:\winnt\debug\Symbols\exe\ntoskrnl.DBG.
KD: waiting to connect...
KD: No carrier detect - in terminal mode
>From here, paste in the above Modem String and wait for the modem to
return OK. Then enter the ATDT<Phone number> of the remote target computer
as below:
ATDT9,<Phone number>
ATDT9,<Phone number>
KD: Carrier detect - returning to debugger
^R \\ Resync's the debuggers
KD: Kernel Debugger connection established. (Initial Breakpoint requested)
8015e109 cc int 3
Additional query words:
3.10 3.50 3.51
Keywords : nthowto
Version : 3.10 3.50 3.51
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :