ISDN Server Does Not Answer Incoming Calls

ID: Q121879

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation versions 3.5, 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server versions 3.5, 4.0


Windows NT 3.5 Remote Access Services (RAS) doesn't answer incoming ISDN calls.


This problem occurs when the phone number (in the Network portion of Control Panel for the ISDN adapter) contains non-numeral characters (for example, a dash "-").

The ISDN driver does not parse non-numeral characters out of the phone number string correctly. This causes incoming calls to be ignored by the adapter.


Don't use non-numeral characters in the phone number.

NOTE: When you try to change or remove the phone number, the ISDN setup program does not delete the phone number correctly. If this happens, use one of the following procedures:

Remove and Reinstall the ISDN Adapter Driver

  1. Remove the ISDN adapter driver from the Network portion of Control Panel.

  2. Shutdown and restart your computer.

  3. In Control Panel, add the ISDN driver back without entering a phone number.

  4. Reconfigure RAS and restart your computer again.

Edit the Registry

  1. Start Registry Editor.

  2. In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree go to the following sub-key:


    where # is the network adapter number of the PCIMAC that has been installed.

  3. Under this key there is a Paramters key with the following value(s):


    Delete all of the Line#.LTerm#.Address values.

    NOTE: Line# is the line number and LTerm# is the logical terminal number. The PCIMAC - ISA adapter which supports only one ISDN line will only have Line0. The PCIMAC/4 adapter with 4 ISDN lines will have lines numbered from 0 to 3.

  4. Restart your computer.


Microsoft and Digiboard International are aware of the problems and are working on a revised driver. We will post more information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.

Additional query words: prodnt

Keywords : kbnetwork ntras NTSrvWkst
Version : 3.5 4.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: February 11, 1999
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