Err Msg: Unable to Locate Mass Storage Device

ID: Q122133

kb3rdparty kberrmsg
The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 3.5
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server version 3.5


When you install Windows NT version 3.5 with a Mylex DAC960 SCSI adapter, the following message may appear when you run Setup:

Unable to locate mass storage device.


An updated driver for the Mylex DAC960 SCSI adapter is available on the Mylex BBS at (510) 796-5144. The file to download is 13NT5300.EXE, which is a self-extracting file. To properly extract files, use the -d option. For more information, call Mylex Technical Support at (510) 796-6100, extension 700.

The Mylex product discussed here is manufactured by Mylex Corp., a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability.

Additional query words: prodnt find detect

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Last Reviewed: February 10, 1999
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