NEC 3X CD-ROM Drives Not Supported

ID: Q123277

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The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 3.5
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server version 3.5

The NEC Triple Spin (3x) CD-ROMs are not supported devices under Windows NT. Various problems may be encountered when using these devices with Windows NT, including file copy and setup problems.

NOTE: The NEC CDR-500 (3Xi) and NEC CDR-600 (3Xe) are supported, but require updated firmware.

Changing the operating mode may enable the device to function better under Windows NT. To do this change the default settings on the configuration switch block on the rear panel of the device. Switch number 3 should be set to the ON position. This changes the operating mode from SCSI II to SCSI I.

Also, these devices should have at least firmware version 2.5.

NOTE: Making these changes does not guarantee that the device will function correctly.


These specific models of the NEC CD-ROMs are known to have problems with Windows NT.

   Model 500 - 3XI
   Model 600 - 3XE
   Portable  - 3XP 

Additional problems may be encountered due to the media heating up during operation. When this happens the drive will no longer recognize the disk. The only work around is to remove the media and let it cool down. For additional information contact NEC Technical Support for CD-ROMs at (800) 388-8888.

The NEC products included here are manufactured by vendors independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.

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Last Reviewed: February 12, 1999
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