Capabilities of the "Add Workstations To Domain" Right

ID: Q139365

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation versions 3.5, 3.51, 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server versions 3.5, 3.51, 4.0


If you are not a member of the domain Administrators or Account Operators group, the Add Workstations To Domain right allows you to perform all the actions explained below.

This right does not exist in Windows NT 3.1.


The Add Workstations To Domain right allows you to do all of the following:

  • Remotely add workstation and server (non-domain controller) computer accounts to a domain. To add computer accouts use the Add To Domain command in Server Manager.

  • Remotely remove computer accounts that you created. To do remove computer accounts select the computer account in Server Manager and use the Remove From Domain command.

    NOTE: Regarding the first two listings above, if you only have the Add Workstations To Domain right, but not the Administrator or Account Operator right, you can use your right only remotely. You must be connected to the server as a client user having the rights, and you must use Server Manager for Domains from the Windows NT Resource kit on the client computer to make the change.

  • Join the domain from a Windows NT client. To join the domain
                              run Control
        Panel and choose Network and specify your username and
       NOTE: The following Network Settings popup may appear:
          Unable to add or change accounts on the domain. The
          account information entered does not grant sufficient
          privilege to create
          or change accounts.
       You can join a domain under a computer account only if the
       computer account does not exist or if you add the computer
       account. If an Administrator or Account Operator adds the
       computer account, the computer account must be removed by an
       Administrator or Account Operator before you can join the
       domain under that computer account. 

Additional query words: prodnt machine security

Keywords : kbnetwork kbusage ntdomain NTSrvWkst
Version : 3.5 3.51 4.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: January 27, 1999
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