How to Install Symbols for Dr. Watson Error Debugging

ID: Q141465

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation versions 3.51, 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server versions 3.51, 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0, Terminal Server Edition


When the following Dr. Watson application error occurs, make sure that the Windows NT symbols are loaded for debug operation.

Dr. Watson Application Error:

An application error has occurred and an application error log is being generated.

DRWTSN32.exe Exception: access violation <Hex value>, Address: <Hex address>


If the debug information in the Dr. Watson log displays "no symbols," then the symbol tree from the Windows NT compact disc has not been loaded to the %SystemRoot% directory. In this case, the interpretation of the Dr. Watson log is going to be difficult.

If you want to interpret the Dr. Watson log, load the Windows NT symbols to your %SystemRoot% directory. To load the symbol tree:

Windows NT 4.0

  1. Run Expndsym.exe from the \Support\Debug directory at a command prompt by typing the following command:

    Expndsym F: C:\Winnt

    where \WINNT is the %SystemRoot% where Windows NT is installed

    This will create a C:\%SystemRoot%\SYMBOLS directory structure and place the *.DBG files in the appropriate sub-directory (Dll, Exe, etc.)

  2. Symbols must also be installed for any Service Packs and hotfixes. Follow the appropriate step below for the Service Pack currently installed on the system.

    Service Pack on CD-ROM

    Use Explorer or a command prompt to copy the Symbols directory and its contents from the CD-ROM \Support\Debug\<platform> directory, where <platform> is one of the following: I386, Alpha, MIPS, PPC, to the %SystemRoot% directory. For example, to copy the symbols for the Intel platform, type the following command:

    Xcopy E:\Support\Debug\I386\Symbols\*.* C:\Winnt\Symbols /S

    Service Pack from Internet

    If you downloaded the Service Pack from the FTP or WWW site, you will also need to download the symbol files and follow the appropriate step below for the Service Pack currently installed on your system:

    SP1 or SP2: Type the following command at a command prompt: Sym_400i.exe -d C:\Winnt\Symbols

    SP3: Type the following at a command prompt and enter the path to the Symbols directory (i.e., C:\Winnt\Symbols) when prompted.


    SP4: Double-click the downloaded file (Sp4symi.exe). When you are prompted for a path, type the path for the system root folder (usually C:\Winnt). This updates the already created Symbols folder (created during the install ation of the base product symbols). It also creates a Joyport folder in the system root folder.

    SP5: Service Pack 5 symbols can be downloaded from

Windows NT 3.51

  1. Locate the \Support\Debug\<platform>\symbols directory on the Windows NT compact disc. The <platform> is one of the following: i386, ALPHA, MIPS or PPC.

  2. Copy the Symbols directory and its contents to the %SystemRoot% directory.

  3. If you have a Service Pack installed, copy the contents of the Service Pack Symbols directory to the %SystemRoot%\Symbols directory.

Windows NT 4.0, Enterprise Edition

Follow the same steps as for Windows NT 4.0, with the exception that the Expndsym.exe file is located on the second CD-ROM set in the Support\NTS\Debug folder.

Additional query words: debugref nosymbols symbol install update

Keywords : nthowto
Version : winnt:3.51,4.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: January 14, 2000
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