Upgrade from Uni- to Multiprocessor (Uptomp.exe) and Win32k.sys

ID: Q142660

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0


When you upgrade a single processor computer with Windows NT 4.0 installed to a multiprocessor system, several files have to be changed.

The affected files are:

   Ntoskrnl.exe (Ntkrnlmp.exe has to be copied and renamed to Ntoskrnl.exe)
   Hal.dll (System specific Hal*.dll has to copied and renamed to Hal.dll)
   Win32k.sys (New for Windows NT 4.0) 


Although Uptomp.exe from the Windows NT 4.0 Resource Kit does assist to copy the correct files, Win32k.sys is not copied with this utility.


To resolve the problem:

  1. Locate the file Win32k.sys on the Windows NT 4.0 compact disc , and copy it to the System32 directory.

    NOTE: The file might be compressed as Win32k.sy_. Use Expand.exe to uncompress the file.

    You must then modify the %systemroot%\repair\setup.log file to modify the CRC value of win32k.sys to equal 13e42a - this value is for the multi-processor version and is used when installing future service packs or repairing the system files.

    Note: If the customer already has a Service Pack loaded on the system he should point to the Service pack directory when the utility asks him for a path for the replacement files.

  2. Modify the Resource Kit Uptomp.inf file and add the Win32k.sys to the list of files as follows:

    hal.dll = 1, 2, hal.dll
    ntoskrnl.exe = 0, 2, ntkrnlmp.exe
    ntdll.dll = 0, 2, ntdll.dll
    kernel32.dll = 0, 2, kernel32.dll
    winsrv.dll = 0, 2, winsrv.dll
    win32k.sys = 0, 2, win32k.sys

Additional query words: prodnt

Keywords : kbenv kbhw kbsetup nthw NTSrvWkst ntutil
Version : 4.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: February 6, 1999
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