I/O Channel Ready Settings on the Intel EtherExpress 16
ID: Q145592
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation versions 3.5, 3.51
Microsoft Windows NT Server versions 3.5, 3.51
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups version 3.11
When you install the driver for the Intel EtherExpress 16 local area
network adapter, one of the configuration fields is I/0 Channel Ready.
This option can have three possible values: Late, Early, and Never.
Typically, Windows NT will only allow the user to set this field to
Later or Never. This article includes configuration information for both
Windows NT and Windows for Workgroups.
The I/O Channel Ready settings optimize the timing of 16-bit data
transfers. The Never value forces the card into 8-bit mode; the Late
and Early values both allow the card to work in 16-bit mode. The
setting that works on most computers is Late, although a few computers
require Early to function in 16-bit mode.
Some computers will experience problems when the card is set to Early.
These problems can range from data loss when transferring large files
to computer hangs that require removing the card, transferring it to
another computer and using the Softset utility to reset the network
Windows NT
Because of the potential for serious problems, Windows NT setup does not
offer Early as one of the options unless one of the following is true:
- Setup detects that the card is already set to Early.
- The .INF file for the Intel EtherExpress has been modified to allow
the early setting.
Even when the Early option is available, if you select it, you will
receive the following error message:
Use of the Early setting may cause system failure in some machines.
Are you sure you want to continue?
While those computers that require Early will not function when the
card is set to Late, the EtherExpress driver is capable of detecting
this case and it will default the card to Never, which is always safe.
Unfortunately, there is no way to detect when Early is not safe
without experiencing the problems mentioned above.
If you have a computer that requires the Early setting and it is not
displayed as an option in Windows NT, you can add Early to the list by
doing the following:
- Open the OEMNADIN.INF file in the %systemroot%\SYSTEM32
subdirectory with a text editor.
- Find the line that reads "AllowEarly =" and change the value after
the equal sign from 0 to 1.
- Save the file.
- Use the network applet in Control Panel to configure the network
adapter settings. Early should then show up as an option for
I/O Channel Ready.
Windows for Workgroups
When you install the network adapter and run the Softset utility in Windows
for Workgroups, both the Softset and Windows for Workgroups stop responding
If your network adapter has the Early setting and you want to change it to
the Late setting:
- Obtain E16LATE.EXE, a self-extracting file, from one of the following
- In the CONFIG.SYS file, remark out the following line with REM using a
text editor, such as EDIT.COM:
REM DEVICE=<drive>:<path>\EXP16.DOS
- Save CONFIG.SYS and reboot your computer.
- Using a text editor, modify the lines in PROTOCOL.INI file to the
IOADDRESS=<Correct I/O Port Address>
- Run LATE.EXE (one of the files extracted from E16LATE.EXE) utility. This
utility resets the EEPROM of the Etherexpress NIC I/O Channel Ready to
the current IOCHRDY information from PROTOCOL.INI.
- In the CONFIG.SYS file, remove REM for EXP16.DOS, as follows:
- Power down the computer and wait a few seconds.
- Turn the computer on restart Windows for Workgroups.
The third-party products discussed here are manufactured by vendors
independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise,
regarding these products' performance or reliability.
Additional query words:
prodnt 3.11 ether express
Keywords :
Version : 3.11 3.50 3.51
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :