Setting Up NT On ALR Evolution V ST(e) Causes STOP 0x00000078

ID: Q145950

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 3.51
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server version 3.51


When you install Windows NT Server or Workstation version 3.51 on ALR's Evolution V ST or Evolution V Ste, the install might fail after NT setup has rebooted the system to go into the graphical mode portion of setup. It will fail after NTDETECT and OSLOADER load. The system will Blue Screen with the following message:

   STOP: 0x00000078 (0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000)



ALR's Evolution V ST and Evolution V STe systems are multi-processor compatible systems (Intel MP v1.1 specification). In cases where customers have received this error, the system had a single processor, were supplied with Phoenix BIOS 4.04.x, and could be ordered with Adaptec's 2940 SCSI controller.

Troubleshooting Information:

  1. STOP: 0x00000078 is typically an error related to either a RAM memory problem or a BIOS problem and these are the first items that need to be checked.

    1. Make sure that memory values, if configurable through CMOS or an EISA Configuration utility, match the amount of memory that is physically installed in the computer, either in SIMM slots and/or memory that physically resides on the motherboard.

    2. If the amount of memory is configured properly, make sure at system boot that the amount of memory the computer counts matches what is installed. If it does not match within at least 1 Mb, you might have a bad memory chip or one that was not be seated properly in the SIMM socket.

    3. If you've replaced or added memory chips, make sure that they are seated properly.

  2. Since these systems can have both Phoenix BIOS 4.04.x or greater and Adaptec 2940 with BIOS 1.16 or greater, you should obtain the most recent revisions for both the Phoenix and Adaptec 2940 BIOS.

    For additional information, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    ARTICLE-ID: Q142013
    TITLE : Adaptec AHA2940 Related Problems

  3. If you followed steps 1 and 2 with no success, try reinstalling NT, either from the boot floppies or a floppy-less CD-ROM install.

    1. Press F5 during the portion of Windows NT 3.51 Setup that displays the following text:

      Setup is inspecting your computer's hardware

    2. Select "Standard PC" from the list of computer types. This forces Windows NT Setup to use the uni-processor Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL).

    3. Continue with setup making any further configuration changes necessary (adding updated SCSI devices drivers or other mass storage drivers, and so forth).

    4. During the third system reboot that takes setup into graphical mode, the system should be able to successfully enter the graphical portion of setup without the STOP 0x00000078 and NT's final configuration settings can be completed.

For more information on updated drivers or BIOS, contact:

     Adaptec                (800) 959-7274    Technical Support
                            (408) 945-7727    BBS
                             WWW.ADAPTEC.COM  World Wide Web

     Phoenix Technology     (714) 440-8313    Technical Support
                             WWW.PTLTD.COM    World Wide Web

     Advanced Logic         (510) 226-9555    Technical support
     Research (ALR)          WWW.ALR.COM      World Wide Web 

The third-party products discussed here are manufactured by vendors independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding the products' performance or reliability.

Additional query words: prodnt

Keywords : kb3rdparty kbnetwork kbsetup ntsetup
Version : 3.51
Platform : winnt
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: February 9, 1999
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