Swapable Floppy/CD-ROM Components Support on NEC Versa 4050C

ID: Q148132

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation versions 3.5, 3.51
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server versions 3.5, 3.51


The NEC Versa 4050C computer allows you to inter-exchange or swap between a floppy disk drive and an IDE CD-ROM drive. Windows NT does not allow you to start with any media component. For example, you cannot start Windows NT with a floppy disk drive and then immediately restart your component with a an IDE CD-ROM drive. A "STOP: 0x0000007B: Inaccessible Boot Device" blue screen appears if you start with a component that has not been configured in Windows NT.


To start Windows NT on the NEC Versa 4050C computer:

  1. Configure the following devices to the recommended settings in Control Panel Devices. If you start Windows NT with a floppy disk drive as one of your hardware components, see Startup for Floppy in the table below. If you start Windows NT with a CD-ROM drive as one of your hardware components, see Startup for IDE CD-ROM.

    Device   Startup for Floppy   Startup for IDE CD-ROM
    ------   ------------------   ----------------------
    ATDISK        BOOT                   SYSTEM
    ATAPI         BOOT                   BOOT
    FLOPPY        SYSTEM                 SYSTEM 

  3. Verify that both ATAPI.SYS and ATDISK.SYS reside in the following directory:


    NOTE: Copy the missing file(s) from the Windows NT compact disc to the directory mentioned above.

For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : STOP 0x0000007B: Inaccessible Boot Device After Removing CD-ROM

The NEC products included here are manufactured by NEC Technologies, Inc., a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.

Additional query words: 3.50 3.51 boot

Keywords : ntboot nthw
Version : 3.50 3.51
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: February 11, 1999
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