The information in this article applies to:
The manual "Services for NetWare Networks" explains how users are transferred to the NT Server, and how groups are created when you do a NetWare-to-NT conversion. The manual reads in part: When you transfer groups to a master domain, they are created as global groups in the master domain and again as local groups on the server specified in the Servers For Migration list(page 91). The manual is misleading. In fact, when you transfer groups to a master domain model or domain model, global groups are created locally to the server you are moving the accounts to. The group will still be global, and can be added to your local group. Some companies have security issues with adding global groups to local groups. They can write a batch file or files in order to add users to a local group. Additional query words: prodnt
Keywords : ntdocerr |
Last Reviewed: February 12, 1999 © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. |