Telephone Dialing In Colombia, France, and Finland
ID: Q152787
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0
Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0
Windows NT 4.0 Telephony dialing properties may need to be modified when
dialing in Colombia, France and Finland.
Windows NT 4.0 includes Windows Telephony and the Telephony API (TAPI)
version 2.0. One of the features of Windows Telephony is the ability to
automatically use the correct outside line access codes, long distance and
international prefixes, and other dialing rules based on your location and
the destination of a telephone call. You specify most of this information
in the Dialing Properties sheet that is accessible through the Telephony
Control Panel tool and through most programs that place telephone calls.
Windows Telephony includes dialing rules for local, long distance, and
international calls for over 230 different countries around the world;
these rules are stored in the registry.
From time to time, countries change their dialing rules; Microsoft
distributes updates to the dialing rules through the World Wide Web and in
new operating system releases as needed to keep up-to-date with these
changes. In September, 1996, Colombia will begin using new dialing rules;
in October, 1996, France and Finland will begin using new dialing rules.
Although the new rules had not gone into effect at the time Windows NT 4.0
was released to manufacturing, new dialing rules for these three countries
have been included in Windows Telephony 2.0 in anticipation of these future
changes. By the time systems preloaded with the local language versions of
Windows NT 4.0 are available in these countries, the changes will have gone
into effect. If you will be using Windows NT 4.0 in France, Finland, or
Colombia before the new dialing procedures are effective, you will need to
enter phone numbers in their "dialable" format (specifying all digits that
need to be dialed including access codes and prefixes), bypassing the
Dialing Properties settings and the new dialing rules.
Keywords : kbusage ntras NTSrvWkst
Version : WinNT:4.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbinfo