ID: Q161914
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0
Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0
When you start your computer, you encounter the following error message:
Load needed DLLs for HAL
This error can be caused if you uninstall Diskeeper for Windows NT 3.5x
after you upgrade Windows NT 3.5x to Windows NT 4.0.
If you install Windows NT on a FAT partition, start in MS-DOS mode and then
replace the affected files (Ntdll.dll, Ntoskrnl.exe, Fastfat.sys, and
Ntfs.sys) with the files from the Windows NT CD, or from the service pack,
as applicable.
If you installed Windows NT on an NTFS partition, replace the files in one
of the following two ways:
- Use the Windows NT 4.0 Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) for this system to
repair the system files.
WARNING: Ensure that you have a good backup of your system before using
the ERD. Any services, applications, service packs, and so on, that you
added after you created the ERD may be affected by using the ERD.
- or -
- Install Windows NT 4.0 into a separate directory. Start your computer
with the temporary version of Windows NT 4.0. Replace the affected
files (Ntdll.dll, Ntoskrnl.exe, Fastfat.sys, and Ntfs.sys) in the
original installation with the correct version from the Windows NT 4.0
CD or the service pack, if you applied one. After you replace the files
and start the computer without incident with the original version of
Windows NT 4.0, it is safe to remove the temporary version of Windows NT
When you install Diskeeper for Windows NT 3.51, it replaces the following
files: Ntdll.dll, Ntoskrnl.exe, Fastfat.sys, and Ntfs.sys. The original
files are renamed with an .org file extension. When you use the uninstall
option in Diskeeper, the original files are renamed, replacing the
Diskeeper version of these files. When you uninstall Diskeeper for Windows
NT 3.51 after you install Windows NT 4.0, the Windows 4.0 version of these
files are replaced by the Windows 3.51 version.
To prevent this problem, uninstall Diskeeper before installing Windows NT
Executive Software has announced an updated version of Diskeeper for
Windows NT 4.0. For additional information, please contact
Executive Software.
The third-party product discussed in this article is manufactured by a
vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or other-
wise, regarding this product's performance or reliability.
Additional query words:
disk keeper
Keywords : NTInterop nt32ap NTSrvWkst
Version : WinNT:4.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type :