Error 3 -- The Specified Path Could Not Be Found

ID: Q165819

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Network Client for MS-DOS version 3.0


You are running Microsoft Network Client for MS-DOS on a computer running MS-DOS from a diskless workstation (for example, you start the computer with a disk in drive A), and you receive the following error message during startup:

Error 3 -- The specified path could not be found. An error occurred accessing the Security-Settings file.


Check the System.ini file on the disk for entries that reference drive C, in particular lanroot= in the [network] section and devdir= in the [network drivers] section. Change these references to reflect drive A instead of drive C. Save the file and restart the computer with the disk in the drive.

Additional query words: err msg errmsg

Keywords : kbnetwork kbother ntdomain
Version : MSDOS:3.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: February 11, 1999
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