Default NTFS Permissions in Windows NT 3.5 and 3.51

ID: Q172008

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation versions 3.5, 3.51
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server versions 3.5, 3.51


This article lists default permissions of an drive that has been formatted to NTFS for the first time. Some of these directories will not be present on a Windows NT Workstation, and some of these directories are hidden by default.


The following lists default NTFS permissions on common Windows NT directories on drive C:


Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
System - Full Control
C:\Msapps and <subdirectories>-
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
C:\Program Files and <subdirectories>-
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Special (RWXD)
Everyone - List (RX)
System - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Special (RWX)
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Read (RX)
Server Operators - Full Control
System - Full Control
Administrators- Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
C:\%SystemRoot%\Java and <subdirectories>-
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
System - Full Control
C:\%SystemRoot%\profiles\All Users and <subdirectories>-
Administrators - Full Control
Everyone - Read
System - Full Control
C:\%SystemRoot%\profiles\Default User and <subdirectories>-
Administrators - Full Control
Everyone - Read
System - Full Control
C:\%SystemRoot%\Profiles\<username> and <subdirectories>-
Administrators - Full Control
<username> - Full Control
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Read
Server Operators - Full Control
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - List
Server Operators - List
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Read (RX)
Server Operators - Full Control
System - Full Control
C:\%SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers and <subdirectories>-
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Read (RX) Server Operators - Full Control
System - Full Control
C:\%SystemRoot%\System32\Inetsrv and <subdirectories>-
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
C:\%SystemRoot%\System32\Netmon and <subdirectories>-
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
C:\%SystemRoot%\System32\Os2 and <subdirectories>-
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change (RWXD)
Server Operators - Full Control
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Read (RX)
Server Operators - Full Control
System - Full Control
C:\%SystemRoot%\System32\Repl\Export and <subdirectories>-
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Read (RX)
Replicator- Change (RWXD)
Server Operators - Change (RWXD)
System - Full Control
C:\%SystemRoot%\System32\repl\import and <subdirectories>-
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Read (RX)
Replicator- Change (RWXD)
Server Operators - Change (RWXD)
System - Full Control
C:\%SystemRoot%\System32\Spool and <subdirectories>-
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Read (RX)
Print Operators- Full Control
Server Operators - Full Control
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change (RWXD)
Server Operators - Change (RWXD)
System - Full Control
C:\%SystemRoot%\Temporary Internet Files and <subdirectories>
Administrators- Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
Any other directories-
Administrators - Full Control
Creator/Owner - Full Control
Everyone - Change
Server Operators - Change
System - Full Control
NOTE: These permissions do not apply to a drive that is converted to NTFS using the CONVERT utility. A converted NTFS drive consists of all files and directories with Everyone - Full Control as the default permission.

For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q148437 Default NTFS Permissions in Windows NT

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbsetup ntsecurity ntgeneral NTSrvWkst
Version : winnt:3.5,3.51
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: March 13, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.