How to Troubleshoot WINS Event IDs 4261 and 4262

ID: Q176202

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server versions 3.51, 4.0


Your Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) Server may log one of the following events in the system event log in Event Viewer:

   Event ID   : 4262
   Source     : WINS
   Type       : Error
   Description: WINS got an error while trying to register a unique
                replica with name <computer name>. The replica is owned
                by WINS with address given below. 

   Event ID   : 4261
   Source     : WINS
   Type       : Error
   Description: WINS got an exception while trying to register a group's
                replica with name <group name>. The replica is owned by
                WINS with address given below. 


To resolve this problem, perform the following steps:

  1. Using Event Viewer, double-click one of the events that have either ID 4262 or 4261 to get the event detail.

  2. In the data section, click Words and make a note of all parameters, which should appear similar to the following:
          0000:  0000103b 892e020c 00000000 0001d881 

    Value1: 0000103b is the line number in code that is generating the event.

    Value2: 892e020c is the IP address of the owning WINS Server. You can convert the data into an IP address by using two bytes for each octet as in the following example:
             892e020c would be 89 2e 02 0c. 

    Then use Calc.exe to convert each hexadecimal value to a decimal value:

    89 equals 137
    2e equals 46
    02 equals 02
    0c equals 12

    that results in an IP address of

    Value3: 00000000 is the low word of the version number of the WINS record.

    Value4: 0001d881 is the high word of the version number of the WINS record.

    You will need to convert both the high word and the low word from hexadecimal to decimal as in the example data below:
             00000000   equals   0
             0001d881   equals   120961 

  3. Use Winscl.exe to delete the record on the owning WINS Server and on all of the replication partners that are logging the events:

    1. Type the following at an MS-DOS command prompt, and then press Enter:

      Winscl T <IP Address of owning WINS Server>

    2. Get a record by version number by typing the following:


    3. Type the address of the owner WINS Server, and then press Enter. (This is the address that you converted in step 2 above.)

    4. Type 1 to specify a range.

    5. Type the following to specify the minimum version number:

      120961 00000000

    6. Type the following to specify the maximum version number:

      120961 00000010

    7. Type 0 to specify to not use a filter.

    8. Type 1 to put records in a file named Wins.rec.

  4. After you have verified that the record exists you can then begin deleting the record by version number on all of the WINS Servers where the record exists. Use the following steps:

    1. Type the following at a command prompt, and then press Enter:

      Winscl T <IP Address of owning WINS Server>

    2. Delete one or more records using a range by typing the following:


    3. Type the address of the owner WINS Server, and then press Enter. (This is the address that you converted in step 2 above.)

    4. Type 1 to specify a range.

    5. Type the following to specify the minimum version number:

      120961 00000000

    6. Type the following to specify the maximum version number:

      120961 00000000

  5. After this is done, you can then verify that the record has been deleted by using the Winscl GRBV command as in step 3 above.

Keywords : kberrmsg kbnetwork kbtshoot ntnetserv nttcp NTSrv
Version : WinNT:3.51,4.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: January 21, 1999
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