Automatic Reboot Does Not Work with Default Paging File Size

ID: Q195030

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition version 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0, Terminal Server Edition


On a Windows NT-based computer with exactly four gigabytes (GB) of RAM, if you select both the Write Debugging Information To and Automatically Reboot check boxes on the Startup/Shutdown tab in the System tool in Control Panel, allowing the default paging file size of 2049 megabytes (MB) of RAM causes the automatic reboot feature not to work.


To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Windows NT 4.0 or Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition. For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q152734 How to Obtain the Latest Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows NT 4.0 and Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition. This problem was first corrected in Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4.0 and Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition Service Pack 4.


Under these conditions, if you receive an error message on a blue screen, or another serious error condition, Windows NT does not restart the computer after a memory dump has been performed.

Keywords : kbenv NT4SP4Fix kbbug4.00 kbbug4.00.sp4
Version : WINNT:4.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbbug

Last Reviewed: April 10, 1999
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