SBS: Specific Settings for Internet Explorer Client Configuration

ID: Q228519

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft BackOffice Small Business Server version 4.5


BackOffice Small Business Server (SBS) 4.5 provides custom Internet communications settings during the installation of SBS client computers. The Setup Computer Wizard uses the Install.ins template source file to set custom options and configuration settings in Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5 during client installation.

By default, when Internet Explorer 5 is installed on a client computer, the automated client Setup process configures the browser with custom settings for SBS as follows:

  • Adds the following pages to your collection of favorites:

    • Microsoft Small Business Web site

    • My Internet Home Page

    • My Intranet Home Page

    • SBS User Guide

  • Changes your home page to the SBS User Guide page when you first start Internet Explorer.

  • Configures your client computer to use the SBS computer as a proxy server for Internet access, configuring all protocols to use and address of http://sbsserver and port 80.

Additional query words: smallbiz

Keywords : kbenv kbsetup
Version : winnt:4.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: April 29, 1999
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