How to Produce a List of Users and Their Last Password Change

ID: Q238374

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server versions 3.5, 3.51, 4.0


This article describes how to produce text file containing a sorted list of Windows NT domain users and the date and time of each user's last password change.


The method outlined in this article uses the Global.exe and Nltest.exe tools from the Windows NT 4.0 Resource Kit. Make sure that these tools are installed and available through the computer's PATH variable.

  1. Create a folder on the computer running Windows NT that has read/write permissions assigned to the user account with which you are logging on.

  2. Create the Lastpwd.bat and Lastpwd2.bat files listed in this article. Create these files in the folder created in step 1.

  3. Run the Lastpwd.bat file at a command prompt. The command has the following syntax:

  4. lastpwd domain_name
    For example: lastpwd mydomain

  5. Examine the contents of the Password.txt file.

    NOTE: Users listed in the Password.txt file without a date and time have never logged on to the domain.

NOTE: These batch files are designed to work with user names that can contain as many as three parts separated by spaces. For example, the following name is valid:
Firstname MiddleInitial Lastname
The following name is not valid:
Firstname MiddleInitial Lastname II
You can modify the two batch files to support more parts in a user name if necessary.


NOTE: The second line in the Lastpwd.bat file that begins with "for /F" is wrapped for readability. If this line is not corrected before running, the batch jobs do not work.

@echo off
if "%1"=="" goto nodomain
set dom=%1
nltest /dcname:%1 | find "PDC for Domain" > temp1.txt
for /F "delims=\\ tokens=2" %%a in (temp1.txt) do set pdc=%%a
if exist domusers.txt del domusers.txt
if exist output.txt del output.txt
if exist password.txt del password.txt
if exist out2.txt del out2.txt
if exist temp1.txt del temp1.txt
echo Generating list of users in %1
echo Please Wait...
global "domain users" %1 | find /v "$" > domusers.txt
echo Generating list of users - Done
echo List generated. Checking password ages.
echo Please Wait...
REM Next line wrapped for readability: it should all be on one line.
for /F "delims=  tokens=1,2,3" %%a in (domusers.txt) do call lastpwd2.bat
%pdc% %%a %%b %%c
REM End of single line.
sort < output.txt > out2.txt
del output.txt
echo User account password ages for domain: %dom% >> password.txt
echo ---------------------------------------------------- >> password.txt
type out2.txt >> password.txt
if exist out2.txt del out2.txt
if exist temp.txt del temp.txt
echo List Complete
echo Output file is called Password.txt
if exist domusers.txt del domusers.txt
goto end
echo Specify the target domain on the command line
echo EXAMPLE: LASTPWD MyDomainName


rem %1 = pdc
rem %2 = username1
rem %3 = username2
rem %4 = username3
if not (%4) == () goto ThreeName
if not (%3) == () goto TwoName
set user=%2
goto query
set user=%2 %3
goto query
set user=%2 %3 %4
nltest /server:%1 /user:"%user%" | find "PasswordLastSet" > temp.txt
for /F "delims== tokens=2" %%a in (temp.txt) do set user=%user% %%a
echo %user% >> output.txt 


For additional information, please click the article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q197478 HOWTO: How to Detect and Remove Inactive Machine Accounts
Q158148 Domain Secure Channel Utility -- Nltest.exe

Additional query words: username password change

Keywords : kbtool
Version : winnt:3.5,3.51,4.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbhowto

Last Reviewed: August 25, 1999
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.