IBM ServeRAID Cluster Solutions Causes Windows NT Cluster Handle Leak

ID: Q240739

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition version 4.0, used with:
    • Microsoft Cluster Server


A computer running Microsoft Cluster Server and IBM ServeRAID may stop responding (hang) every day or two.

If you use Performace Monitor to track the handles of the Cluster Service (resrcmon), it displays a dramatic increase. Even if make no modifications to the servers, and no resources stop working, the handle count continues to increase.


The handle leak is caused by an old version of Ipsha.dll from IBM ServeRAID Cluster Solutions.


To resolve this problem, update the software and the firmware to the latest versions available from IBM.

Below is a sample list of ServeRAID versions that do not cause this problem:

  • PC ServerRAID BIOS 3.50.12

  • PC ServerRAID Firmware 2.88.10

  • IBM ServeRAID Administration and Monitoring 3.50.17

  • IBM ServeRAID Device Driver 3.50

  • IBM ServeRAID DOS configuration 3.50

  • IBM ServeRAID Cluster Solutions for Windows NT 3.50


The third-party products discussed here are manufactured by vendors independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.


If you use OH to get a list of the handles, it shows a lot of handles with no names, these are device handles.

Additional query words: memory nonpaged pool leak

Keywords :
Version : winnt:4.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb

Last Reviewed: September 14, 1999
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