How to Determine the Microsoft Windows NT Product Type with a Batch File

ID: Q245129

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0


This article describes how to use a batch file to determine which type of Microsoft Windows NT installation you are currently running on your computer. The Windows NT installation types include server, workstation, and domain controller.


To determine which type of Windows NT installation you are running, follow these steps:

NOTE: You must have the Reg.exe tool installed on your computer for these steps to work. The Reg.exe tool is included with the Windows NT 4.0 Resource Kit.

  1. Copy the following batch file into Microsoft Word for Windows or a word-processing program that inserts the proper ASCII characters for the TAB key.

    NOTE: Do not use Microsoft WordPad or Microsoft Notepad. Using the TAB key (or tab) in Notepad does not insert the proper ASCII characters. Also, if you write the batch file in Microsoft Word, and then view it in Notepad, the tab appears as a space. Having the proper ASCII characters for the tab is imperative because the output from the Reg.exe tool uses tabs as the delimiter and the 'for' command that is used to parse the output only recognizes tabs as the delimiter.

      @echo off
      if not (%OS%)==(Windows_NT) goto NotNT
      REM Next Line wrapped by text editor for readability, it should all be on one line
      for /F "delims=	 tokens=3" %%i 
      IN ('reg query hklm\system\currentcontrolset\control\ProductOptions\ProductType') 
      DO set product_type=%%i
      REM End single line
      if "%product_type%"=="" goto Undetermined
      if "%product_type%"=="WinNT" goto Workstation
      if "%product_type%"=="ServerNT" goto Server
      if "%product_type%"=="LanmanNT" goto DomainController
      echo Unable to determine Windows NT Product Type, check the following
      echo registry key for product type
      echo hklm\system\currentcontrolset\control\ProductOptions\ProductType
      echo Expected values
      echo ProductType   Product
      echo ----------------------------------------------------
      echo WinNT         Windows NT Workstation is running
      echo ServerNT      Windows NT Server is running
      echo LanmanNT      Windows NT Domain controller
      goto end
      echo Product type is NT Domain Controller
      goto end
      echo Product type is NT Server
      goto end
      echo Product type is NT Workstation
      goto end
      echo Current Operating System is not Windows NT
  3. Save the batch file as a text-only file.

  4. In Windows NT Explorer, locate the folder in which you saved the text file, and then change the extension of the file from .txt to .bat.

  5. To run the batch file at the Command Prompt, type the full path to the location of the file (including the file name), and then press ENTER.

You can also write a program by using the C++ programming language to determine the type of Windows NT installation you are running on your computer. For a sample of such a program, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q124305 Which Windows NT (Server or Workstation) Is Running?

Additional query words:

Keywords :
Version : winnt:4.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: January 4, 2000
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