How to: Determine NTRIGHTS Names and Meanings
ID: Q245207
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0
This article lists the names and descriptions of the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 rights or permissions.
The Windows NT rights that you can grant or revoke by using the Ntrights utility that is included with Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Resource Kit Supplement 3 are contained in the following list:
NOTE: You can use Help, also included with Windows NT 4.0 Resource Kit Supplement 3, to view the names and descriptions of Windows NT rights. To do this, open the Resource Kit Tools Overview Help file, type ntrights, and then click Display.
SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege: Replace a process level token
SeAuditPrivilege: Generate security audits
SeBackupPrivilege: Back up files and directories
SeBatchLogonRight: Log on as a batch job
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege: Bypass traverse checking
SeCreatePagefilePrivilege: Create a paging file
SeCreatePermanentPrivilege: Create permanent shared objects
SeCreateTokenPrivilege: Create a token object
SeDebugPrivilege: Debug programs
SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege: Increase scheduling priority
SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege: Increase quotas
SeInteractiveLogonRight: Log on locally
SeLoadDriverPrivilege: Load and unload device drivers
SeLockMemoryPrivilege: Lock pages in memory
SeMachineAccountPrivilege: Add workstations to domain
SeNetworkLogonRight: Access this computer from the network
SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege: Profile single process
SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege: Force shutdown from a remote system
SeRestorePrivilege: Restore files and directories
SeSecurityPrivilege: Manage auditing and security log
SeServiceLogonRight: Log on as a service
SeShutdownPrivilege: Shut down the system
SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege: Modify firmware environment values
SeSystemProfilePrivilege: Profile system performance
SeSystemTimePrivilege: Change the system time
SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege: Take ownership of files or other objects
SeTcbPrivilege: Act as part of the operating system
SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege: Read unsolicited input from a terminal device
Additional query words:
privilege access permission
Keywords : access
Version : winnt:4.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbinfo