Using Wollongong TCP/IP with Windows for Workgroups 3.11

ID: Q108007

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows for Workgroups version 3.11

The following article contains information on the use of Windows for Workgroups with third-party products or configurations that have not been tested and are not supported by Microsoft.

If the steps or procedures described in this article do not function properly, contact the manufacturer of the third-party product for more information or use a supported configuration.


The Wollongong Group's Pathway Runtime and Pathway Access version 1.2, which comes with an RFC-compliant NetBIOS interface, can be used with Windows for Workgroups 3.11. Pathway Runtime is the Wollongong TCP/IP stack, and Pathway Access is a set of TCP/IP utilities provided by Wollongong. (The TCP/IP stack is a real-mode stack and operates with NDIS 2 drivers.)

This article provides the steps needed to install Pathway Runtime 1.2 on Windows for Workgroups 3.11.


To install Pathway Runtime on Windows for Workgroups, do the following:

WARNING: Although this procedure allows you to run Pathway Runtime with Windows for Workgroups version 3.11, it disables the NetBEUI protocol. As a result, your machine won't be able to view or access any other Windows for Workgroups machines or LAN Manager servers on the network that are running NetBEUI exclusively.

  1. Install Windows for Workgroups with the default NetBEUI transport.

  2. Install Pathway Runtime using PWSETUP.EXE from the setup disk supplied with the Wollongong product.

  3. Complete the installation using the complete NDIS installation option. (For more information, please refer to the Pathway Runtime manual.)

  4. After the installation is complete, change the AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that the NET INIT command is executed immediately before the NDIS command. Replace the PWBIND command with the NET START NETBIND command, which comes before the PWTCP command. Remove the NET START line added by Windows for Workgroups. The following is an example of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file after these changes:
    rem #----------------------- The Wollongong Group --------------------#
    rem # The following lines are for Pathway Runtime setup. Please DO NOT#
    rem # modify or remove any of them. If you DO want to, please run the #
    rem # setup program to modify or deinstall Pathway for DOS.           #
    c:\pathway\PWCONFIG -N:65
    net init
    c:\pathway\ndis -I:5 -D:3
    net start netbind
    rem if you are not using the bootp protocol comment out the bootp line.
    c:\pathway\bootp -d
    rem #----------------------- The Wollongong Group --------------------# 

  5. Make sure that the -I option for the NDIS command matches the IRQ being used by the network card. The -D option refers to the section number in the PROTOCOL.INI file referring to the network card.

  6. Run NETBIOS.EXE after PWTCP.EXE. (NETBIOS.EXE is the RFC-compliant driver.)

  7. Edit the SYSTEM.INI file in the Windows directory and make the following changes:

    1. In the [386enh] section, change the line

    2. In the [network drivers] section, change the lines

    These changes indicate that the real-mode protocol stack will use Lana 0. (Pathway Runtime can use Lana 0 only).

  8. Edit the CONFIG.SYS file and remark out (using the REM command) the entries added by the Pathway Access installation program:
       rem #---------------------- The Wollongong Group ----------------------#
       rem #  The following lines are for Pathway Runtime setup. Please DO NOT#
       rem #  modify or remove any of them. If you DO want to, please run the#
       rem #  setup program to modify or deinstall Pathway for DOS.          #
       rem #---------------------- The Wollongong Group ---------------------# 
    The only entry needed is:

  9. Reboot and start Windows.

You can now install Pathway Access by following the instructions provided by Wollongong.


Wollongong Pathway Access Release Notes
Windows for Workgroups Resource Kit

The Wollogong products included here are manufactured by a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.

Additional query words: 3.11 TCP 3rdparty

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.11
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 27, 1999
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