WFWG 3.11: How to Create a Boot Disk to Load Real-Mode Network
ID: Q114425
kbnetwork kbsetup kbusage
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups version 3.11
This article discusses using Microsoft Windows for Workgroups with a floppy
disk configuration. Although the information outlined in this article does
allow Windows for Workgroups to access the network from a floppy disk,
Microsoft does not support this procedure. If the steps or procedures
described in this article do not function properly, a standard Windows for
Workgroups configuration should be used to access the network.
The steps below describe how to create a bootable floppy disk that loads
the real-mode network, which allows you to connect to a Windows for
Workgroups 3.11 server. Once connected to the server, a full or a network
setup (SETUP /N) can be run to a local hard disk drive or to a directory on
a server machine. This setup disk is ideal for running a large number of
installations to local hard disk drives without needing the Windows for
Workgroups 3.11 disks for each installation.
This article assumes the following things:
- The network hardware is already installed.
- All machines are using the same network adapter card with the same
hardware settings. (If different network cards are being used, follow
the instructions in the note in step 3.)
- The workstation has at least 4 megabytes (MB) of RAM if run from a
diskless workstation or 3 MB of RAM if run from a machine with a hard
disk drive.
- SETUP /A will be installed to a C:\WINSHARE directory.
- SETUP /N will be installed to a C:\directory.
MORE INFORMATION- Create a bootable floppy disk.
NOTE: If you are using MS-DOS 6.x and you are not using DoubleSpace,
you can delete the DBLSPACE.BIN file from the floppy disk to create
more disk space.
- Run an administrative installation (SETUP /A) of Windows for Workgroups
3.11 to a C:\WINSHARE directory. This machine will be referred to as
the server machine.
- From the C:\WINSHARE directory, run a shared network installation
(SETUP /N) to the server's hard disk drive (for example C:\KBNETWORK).
Use the Custom Setup option to perform the following steps:
- Clear the Set Up Printers and "Set Up Applications Already on
Hard Disk(s)" check boxes.
- Select None for the Swapfile setting.
NOTE: To create a second floppy disk for a different type of network
adapter card, simply repeat step 3 but choose a different directory
name when you run SETUP /N. Ensure that the appropriate network adapter
card and its settings are detected during Setup.
- Delete the following files from the C:\directory to free
additional disk space for the floppy disk:
- Copy the contents of the C:\directory to the root of the
floppy disk you formatted in step 1.
- Create an AUTOEXEC.BAT file and a CONFIG.SYS file on the floppy
disk with at least the following entries:
Device=A:\RAMDRIVE.SYS 1024 512 512 /E
<Third-party disk partitioner>
<Third-party disk-compression driver>
<Other necessary third-party driver>
NOTE: If the workstation has a hard disk drive, the
Device=A:\RAMDRIVE.SYS is not necessary and can be removed from the
A:\NET LOGON UserName Password
A:\NET USE W: <\\SERVER>\<ShareName> /p:No
Set Temp=C:\
NOTE: <\\SERVER> is the name of the machine that contains the Setup
/A (C:\WINSHARE) copy of Windows for Workgroups. <\\ShareName> is
the name given to the C:\WINSHARE directory when it is shared. (See
step 9 for more information.)
- Edit the SYSTEM.INI file on the floppy disk and set the DEVDIR
entry in the [Network Drivers] section to equal A:\.
- Edit the SYSTEM.INI file in the C:\directory and delete the
AutoStart=FULL line from the [Network] section.
- Reboot the server machine and run Windows from the hard disk drive.
Share the C:\WINSHARE directory from File Manager.
- Boot a workstation with the floppy disk you created.
NOTE: The first time you use this floppy disk, you must reenter the
password you entered in the logon line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
- At the A:\ prompt, change to the W: drive and install Windows for
Workgroups to this workstation's hard disk drive, or just run Windows
from the floppy disk by typing win.
NOTE: If you need help using the network commands at the MS-DOS command
prompt, you type net /? or net use /? to
access online help and syntax for most network commands.
Additional query words:
3.11 boot system disk diskless workstation
Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.11
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :