Norton Utilities Version 6.01 and Windows 3.1

ID: Q84782


This article discusses information from the Symantec application note #4103 about Norton Utilities version 6.01 and Microsoft Windows operating system version 3.1.


  1. NCACHE, the Norton disk caching software, may cause system lockups when Windows 3.1 is run in standard mode. Norton recommends configuring NCACHE for extended memory. If the problem continues, then disable the Write cache. Consult your Norton manual for instructions.

  2. NCACHE is not compatible with Windows 3.1's 32-Bit-Disk-Access. If using 32-Bit-Disk-Access, then use SMARTDRV.EXE version 4.0.

  3. The following error message will occur if you run Norton's Calibrate utility while SMARTDRV.EXE is caching the drive:
    Disk Mapping Error
    Disable SMARTDRV.EXE when using the Calibrate program.

  4. Microsoft recommends not running Norton Disk Monitor, DISKMON.EXE, while Windows is running. It may cause a prolonged beeping noise.

  5. Erase Protect is normally configured to use as much free hard drive space as necessary, this will sometimes cause Windows to experience printing and temporary swap file problems, due to lack of space for temporary files. Norton recommends configuring Erase Protect not to protect files with the extensions of .TMP and .SWP, and limiting the size of the of Erase Protect to 2048. Consult your Norton manual for instructions.

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Additional query words: appnote 3.10 Smartdrive

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Platform : WINDOWS
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Last Reviewed: October 22, 1999
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