WFWG Real Mode Redirector Error Messages Caused by Low Memory

ID: Q92882

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows for Workgroups version 3.1


NET.EXE may display one of the following messages if your computer is running low on memory.

If you have under 102 kilobytes (K) memory:

Cannot execute C:\SLALOM\NET.EXE
If you have between 102K and 160K memory:
Error 8: There is not enough memory available
If you have between 160K and 180K memory:
MS-DOS error SYS0008 occured trying to load "C:\DOS\NET.EXE"
If you have between 180K and 212K memory:
MS-DOS error SYS0008 occured trying to load "C:\DOS\NET.EXE"
MS-DOS error SYS000 occurred trying to allocate a [size] MCB


NET.EXE provides various error messages in these different low memory conditions because it loads the other network components. If you have more than 160K free memory, NET.EXE loads successfully but provides an error message if it runs out of memory when trying to load other components, such as NetBEUI and redirectors.

NOTE: The values for conventional memory vary because NET.EXE can load programs into high memory or upper memory block (UMB) space if it is available.

Additional query words: 3.10 3.1

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 28, 1999
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