WFWG: Cannot Connect to Local Postoffice

ID: Q93260

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows for Workgroups versions 3.1, 3.11


If a Windows for Workgroups mail administrator sets up the Workgroup Postoffice (WGPO) on another Workgroup user's machine, that other user cannot connect to the postoffice, and receives one of the following error messages:

The selected network path cannot be found
This operation is not supported on this machine
For example, if the mail administrator, working at a machine named "Admin", creates the WGPO on a machine called "Machine1," the user of Machine1 is unable to connect to the WGPO.


WFWG Mail defaults to uniform naming conventions (UNC) to specify the location of the postoffice. UNC cannot be used to connect a user to a share on his/her local machine. Browsing for the WGPO share on the local machine results in the "not supported" error message. Manually typing in the UNC name of the share (<machinename>\WGPO) results in the path not being found, as does typing in the local path (F:\WGPO).


Use one of the following workaround options to edit or reconstruct the user's MSMAIL.INI file, allowing the user to logon to the postoffice on his/her local machine.

Option 1

  1. Copy the MSMAIL.INI file from a machine that is already connected to the WGPO.

  2. Edit the MSMAIL.INI file for Machine1:

    1. Change the "serverpath=" statement to reflect the local path.

    2. Change the "login=" statement to reflect the Machine1 mailbox (as setup by the Mail Administrator).

  3. Copy the newly edited MSMAIL.INI file to the WINDOWS directory on Machine1.

Note that you can use the Mail Administrator's MSMAIL.INI file as the source for the MSMAIL.INI file for Machine1. If you use this file, be sure to remove all references to the WGPOMGR.DLL file.

Option 2

To create the Machine1 MSMAIL.INI file from scratch:

  1. Create a file in a text editor (such as note pad).

  2. Type the following:
    [Microsoft Mail]
    ;the following line should reflect the local path to the WGPO
    ;subdirectory (e.g. ServerPath=F:\WGPO)
    ;the following line should reflect the mailbox for the user of Machine1
    ;(as setup by Mail Administrator)
    Window=96 96 638 406 1 1 1 0
    [Custom Commands]
    ;Please note that the following set of lines should be typed as two
    ;lines -- one beginning EXF= and one beginning IMF=
    EXF=3.0;File;&Export Folder...;11;IMPEXP.DLL;0;;Exports folders to a
    backup file;MSMAIL.HLP;2860
    IMF=3.0;File;&Import Folder...;12;IMPEXP.DLL;1;;Imports folders from a
    backup file;MSMAIL.HLP;2861
    [Custom Messages]
    ;Please note that the following set of lines should be typed as a
    ;total of 5 lines, each beginning IPM.Microsoft Schedule.

  3. Save the file as MSMAIL.INI in the WINDOWS subdirectory of the postoffice machine.

NOTE: For the MSMAIL.INI file to work correctly, this text should be typed exactly as it appears above.

Additional query words: 3.10 3.11 schedule

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.1,3.11
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 27, 1999
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