WFWG: System Hangs with Novell NetWare and Token Ring

ID: Q95116

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows for Workgroups versions 3.1, 3.11


When you copy files to a Novell NetWare file server using Windows for Workgroups with NetWare Connectivity and the IBM Token Ring 4/16 network adapter, the system may stop responding (hang) and/or files may become corrupted.

Symptoms may include system hangs when copying files to a NetWare server from the Windows for Workgroups File Manager or from an MS-DOS command prompt (either inside or outside Windows).


To work around these problems:

Windows for Workgroups 3.1

Use the Advanced Card Settings option in Control Panel to increase the number of transmit buffers and the transmit and receive buffer sizes.

Windows for Workgroups 3.11

Use the Network Setup icon in the Network group to increase the number of transmit buffers and the transmit and receive buffer sizes.


The default values for the number of transmit buffers and the transmit and receive buffer sizes may not be large enough for some IBM Token Ring configurations, particularly those running at 16 Mbps.

The Token Ring specifications define a maximum length of time any adapter can hold the token. This, along with the hardware capabilities of the Token Ring adapter, determine the buffer sizes you should use. The following are valid ranges for RECVBUFSIZE and XMITBUFSIZE:

   Adapter                            Range

   4 Mbs Adapter                      256-2040
   4/16 Adapter Running at 4Mb        256-4096
   4/16 Adapter Running at 16Mb       256-17952 
Use the Advanced Card Settings option in Control Panel to change the settings as follows:

   XMITBUFS=2         (default is 1, maximum is 2)
   XMITBUFSIZE=1024   (default is 256, recommended is 2040)
   RECVBUFSIZE=1024   (default is 256, recommended is 2040) 
For additional information about the meaning and use of these buffer sizes, query on the following words here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
tuning and lm and token-ring


"LAN Manager Installation and Configuration Guide" for version 2.2, pages 211-213

Additional query words: 3.10 3.11 nic tokenring freeze lock up lockup 3rdparty

Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:3.1,3.11
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: September 29, 1999
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