Adding Custom Page Sizes for PostScript Driver

ID: Q105498

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows Device Development Kit (DDK) for Windows, version 3.1


Custom page sizes can be added to the PostScript driver by updating the source code for the driver contained in the Windows 3.1 DDK. The MKPRN utility included in the DDK must also be updated. This information is specific to versions 3.5 through 3.58 of the PostScript driver.


To make the PostScript driver aware of the custom page size, the following changes must be made:

  • PSCRIPT.RC: The new page size ID and name need to be added to the STRINGTABLE.

  • PAPERSIZ.RC: The ID and page size need to be added to the end of the PAPERSIZES table, immediately before the NULL entry.

  • RESOURCE.H: The ID needs to be defined. It must be a value greater than 256, even though the other paper sizes IDs are much smaller. This is because COMMDLG.DLL will not recognize a user defined size if it's ID is less than 256.

  • PRINTERS.H: The "#define DMPAPER_USER_LAST" statement needs to be changed to define DMPAPER_USER_LAST to the new paper size ID.

The MKPRN utility included with the Windows 3.1 DDK compiles Adobe-standard PostScript Printer Description files (.PPD files) to create Windows Printer Description files (.WPD files).

The following changes need to be made to MKPRN to add a custom size:

  • MKPRN.C:

    The paper size name and ID need to be added to the paper_table[] array.

    The size of the array needs to be changed. It is originally defined as PaperSizes[DMPAPER_USER_LAST+1]. This needs to be incremented by one; however, since the definition of DMPAPER_USER_LAST also changes in this process (changed in PRINTERS.H), DMPAPER_USER_LAST should not be used. This number can be filled in directly, by counting the total number of paper sizes (including the new one) and adding one. Or, DMPAPER_USER+2 can be used.

Additional query words: 3.10

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Version : :3.1
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Last Reviewed: November 1, 1999
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