Windows for Workgroups NDDK Frequently Asked Questions

ID: Q123458

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows Device Development Kit (DDK) for Windows, version 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows for Workgroups version 3.11


This article answers questions frequently asked about the NDIS 3.0 specification and NDDK for Windows For Workgroups.


Does Windows for Workgroups Support NDIS 3.0?

Yes, Windows for Workgroups Support NDIS 3.0, and it follows the specification provided with the Network Drivers section of the Windows NT version 3.5 DDK. In general, we recommend that you use the NDDK in conjunction with the Windows NT version 3.5 DDK.

How Do I Build an NDIS 3.0 Driver for Windows for Workgroups?

To build an NDIS 3.0 driver for Windows for Workgroups, use the Windows NT version 3.1 or 3.5 development system. Build your source code using Windows NT version 3.1 or 3.5, and test it in under Windows NT. Then move your source code to the Windows 3.11 environment and recompile and test using the Windows for Workgroups version 3.11 NDDK from the MSDN Level 2 CD-ROM set along with the 32-bit edition of the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler version 1.0 or 1.1.

All of the makefiles are set up to use the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler version 1.0 or 1.1 because this was the latest version when the NDDK was released. You may be able to use a later version of the Microsoft C++ compiler or a third-party C compiler; however, at the very least, changes will have to be made to the makefiles. This follows our policy of "Develop on Windows NT, test on all systems."

How Do I Remap Programs Written Under Windows NT?

There are no written guidelines that specify how to remap what you write in the Windows NT registry with your Windows NT driver to your Windows for Workgroups SYSTEM.INI and PROTOCOL.INI files. We recommend you look at the sample drivers to see how this is done. For example, if you used an NdisReadConfiguration function, put it in the PROTOCOL.INI. No parameters should go in SYSTEM.INI.

Will Windows for Workgroups Work with ODI Drivers?

No, Windows for Workgroups does not work with ODI drivers. If you use Windows for Workgroups with Novel's Netware, you need to use the MSIPX protocol stack that comes with the product.

Should I Run Share If I Access Novell File Servers & Windows Shared Dirs?

When running Windows for Workgroups workstations and accessing a mixture of Novell file servers and Windows for Workgroups shared directories, you should use the VSHARE.386 Virtual Device Driver. The SHARE TSR is not required to correctly manage file locking on network drives.

The VSHARE.386 Virtual Device Driver provides the functionality of the MS-DOS SHARE TSR within Windows. You shouldn't need to run SHARE unless you are running an application that requires file sharing, is not based on Windows, and is running outside of Windows.

NOTE: Some products mentioned in this article are manufactured by vendors independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.

Additional query words: FAQ Q&A QA make file files

Keywords :
Version : :3.1; WINDOWS:3.11
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 1, 1999
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