Sources of Information Regarding Windows DDE

ID: Q69889

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) versions 3.0, 3.1


The information below contains a list of references on Windows dynamic data exchange (DDE) and some tools that can be used to test DDE applications developed with the Windows SDK versions 3.0 and 3.1.



DDE Specification

  • "Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit Reference Volume 2," Chapter 15, "Windows DDE Protocol Definition."

  • "Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit Guide to Programming," Chapter 22.


  • "Programming Windows," Second Edition (Charles Petzold, Microsoft Press), Chapter 17.

  • "Developing Windows 3.1 Applications with Microsoft C/C++," Second Edition (Brent E. Rector, Sams Publishing).

Microsoft Systems Journal Articles

  • Vol. 5 No. 1 (January 1990), "Simplifying Complex Windows Development Through the Use of a Client-Server Interface."

  • Vol. 4 No. 3 (May 1989), "A Technical Study of Dynamic Data Exchange Under OS/2 Presentation Manager."

  • Vol. 8 No. 1 (January 1993), "Network DDE in Windows for Workgroups 3.1 Bridges Programs Between PC's."

Sample Code

  • Windows 3.00 SDK DDE client and server applications (in the \SAMPLES\DDE directory)

  • DDEPOP and SHOWPOP sample applications in "Programming Windows."


Below is a list of commercial applications that support DDE and the conversation topics that each supports.

Microsoft Excel

See the index of the "Microsoft Excel User's Guide" for complete references.

   Application  DDE Topics    Items
   -----------  ----------    -----
   NULL         NULL
   Excel        Sheet name    Cell reference (must be in R1C1 format)
   Excel        System        SysItems
   Excel        System        Formats (eight different kinds)
   Excel        System        Topics  (sheets that are loaded)
   Excel        System        Status  (busy or not) 


See pages 74-79 of the Q+E manual shipped with Microsoft Excel 3.00 for more information.

   Application  DDE Topics    Items
   -----------  ----------    -----
   NULL         NULL
   QE           System        SysItems
   QE           System        Formats = Biff TEXT
   QE           System        Topics  = Query1
   QE           System        Status  = Ready
   QE           System        Logon
   QE           System        Logoff
   QE           System        Sources
   QE           System        Tables 

Microsoft Word for Windows

Please see the "Microsoft Word for Windows Technical Reference" manual (published by Microsoft Press) for more information.

   Application  DDE Topics    Items
   -----------  ----------    -----
   NULL         NULL
   WinWord      Document      bookmark
   WinWord      System        SysItems
   WinWord      System        Formats (text, rtf, metafilepict,
                                       bitmap, link)
   WinWord      System        Topics  (documents that are loaded) 

Additional query words: no32bit 3.00 3.10

Keywords : kb16bitonly
Version : WINDOWS:3.0,3.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :

Last Reviewed: November 4, 1999
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